Search Associates on Campus (10 Sept 2015)
|Dear Faculty –
Ray Sparks from Search Associates will be on campus on Thursday, 10 September 2015, to meet with any teachers who may be considering new opportunities now or in the future. He will use the C113 meeting room next to the Event Coordinators Office in the administration area. We have created a Google document for those of you interested in speaking with Ray which can be accessed here.
SSIS enjoys a wonderful relationship with Search Associates (SA). Nearly all our hires in the past two years have come through SA. We appreciate the care with which each associates gets to know his or her teachers and the advice they provide us when we are looking to fill open positions. This year we will once again attend Search Associates fairs in Bangkok, Hong Kong (new this year), London (tentative), and Boston.
We look to support our faculty as they join us, whilst they are here, and in their career plans when they leave. We hope to make SSIS a wonderful place to work, teach, raise families, and grow professionally, but we are also aware that change is a part of life. Inviting Ray to campus is simply an opportunity we are happy to provide for our teaching staff as they think about the future.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to talk to me, your divisional principal, or contact Ray directly.
Sincerely yours,