Digital Wellness
Six Seconds put together the chart above along with an article entitled “Addicted to Your Smartphone? Not So Fast“. The article explores the work of Nir Eyal who is a professor at Stanford and author of the books Hooked and Indistractable. A main take away from the article is to look at the emotional causes of how at times we let technology control us. Remember that a guiding principle of digital wellness is to engage the character strength of proactivity to take charge of how we use technology to support our values, goals and wellness. 🙂
Look to configure your devices to better support your personal and work wellbeing needs. The article How to Configure Your iPhone to Work for You, Not Against You provides one approach. Search for similar articles if you have Android device(s). Also look to search for and review meditation, fitness, diet and other wellness apps that you want to access on your devices.