Preparing for ES Curriculum Night

Dear elementary teachers,
This Tuesday is Curriculum Night.  As you prepare for the evening, I would like to remind you of a  few points about the evening:
  1. Presentations are done by individual teachers in the classroom, not presented as a group.  However, I suggest you prepare one basic slide show for your grade level so there is consistency (parents do compare notes).
  2. As part of our Parent Engagement initiative, we want to ensure that this night is presented at a high quality level.  Please remember that Curriculum Night is a good time to start getting parents to sign up for volunteering opportunities.
  3. Please keep track of how many students are represented by parents in your classroom.  We are hoping to see increased participation over last year (82%).
  4. Please see the eNews article sent to parents today.  It gives a basic overview of the content I want to ensure you cover in your homeroom teacher presentation.
  5. Some additional suggestions include: Welcome & Introduction of teacher (including qualifications, degrees, certificates, and experience), Review documents that were already sent home (YAAG, Daily Schedule), Discuss use of technology.
  6. Specialists, Learning Support Team, and Coaches: Please try to have a similar one page flyer that provides an overview of your program.  You may also want to have a laptop set up with a slide show/or video, so parents can get a feel for your program.
Curriculum Night is our “third touch” (after orientation and first day of school) where many parents are getting a sense for the school year.  The better pro-active communication we do now, the smoother the year will begin.  We will breath easy after Curriculum Night is finished and the school year has “really” begun.

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66 Responses

  1. kEMlzpAX says:

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  16. wUmrLVWz says:


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