Nov. 14 – 18
Nuts & Bolts:
SSIS Food Committee: The primary purpose of the food committee is to provide a forum for discussion and decision-making concerning nutrition, health and hygiene of our food services and to ensure appropriate menu selection and pricing given the EC – 12 school setting. Roxanne, Brian and Karen are the ES representatives this year. If you are interested in joining the committee or have feedback to share, please email a representative. We meet once a quarter and will meet next Monday, Nov. 21.
Wishing you all a stellar week! Roxanne
Here’s what’s up this week:
Monday, Nov. 14 Mr. Dorn’s KG class trip to Green House Restaurant, 10AM-12PM
Author Marc Tyler Nobleman Visits, Schedule
Tuesday, Nov. 15 Author Marc Tyler Nobleman Visits, Schedule
ELT @ 2:40PM
Wednesday, Nov. 16 Parent Emotion Coaching Workshop w/Jacob in Collab room @8:15AM
Full Faculty Meeting – Review WASC Action Plans, Aud. @3:15PM
Author Marc Tyler Nobleman Visits, Schedule
Thursday, Nov. 17 Happy Birthday, Angie MANZANO!
Mr. Brennan’s class trip to Green House Restaurant, 10AM-12PM
Friday, Nov. 18 Happy Birthday, Hà DƯƠNG!
PTA Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, Aud. @10AM-1:30PM
Sat/Sun, Nov. 19-20 Roots & Shoots trip @ orphanage, 1:00-3:30PM (Sat.)
Happy Birthday, Megan VANDERVANTER! (Sun.)
Pest Control (Closed Campus Sun.)
Coming Up:
Nov. 26 SSIS Faculty Thanksgiving
Dec. 5 Classroom & Specialist progress reports due
Dec. 12 Administrators finish reviewing reports
Dec. 16: Reports sent home with students