Jan. 16 – 20, 2017
Happy Monday Everyone!
Nuts & Bolts:
Elevator Usage: Please remind students of our policy that they are only allowed in the elevator when accompanied by an adult or if given specific privilege by a teacher (E.g. a student on crutches).
TA Evaluation: Traditionally, teachers fill out an evaluation sheet on their TAs each spring. Instead of waiting until the end of the year, we are asking you to use the evaluation sheet (which I will send via email) to have a conversation with your teaching assistant now. Notice strengths and areas for improvement and set goals together. You do not need to turn in the sheet to the office. Please plan to meet with your TA before the Tet holiday.
Photos of Special Class Events and Engaged Learning: This is a reminder that Katie LOVES to get your pictures and short descriptions of learning for the SSIS Facebook page.
Principal Coffees: Here is the link for the 2016-2017 Principal Coffees. Please update weekly parent emails as needed. Some of your weekly communications still have the link to last year’s coffees.
Wishing you all a terrific week!
Here’s what’s up this week:
Monday, Jan. 16 ES track & field practice, on the front fields, 3:10-4:00
Tuesday, Jan. 17 Photo Retakes , Auditorium
8:15AM-9:00AM: class photo (Greg Nonato, Andy Burger, Amy Barrett)
9:00AM-12:00PM: individual photo (link list of students who need retakes)
ELT @ 2:40PM
ES swim practice, 3:10PM-4:30PM
Wednesday, Jan. 18 Happy Birthday, Ricki MILLEVOLTE!
Sports Day, 8:45AM-10:45AM
ES swim practice, 3:10PM-4:30PM
All Faculty Meeting – WASC, Aud, 3:15PM-4:30PM
Teaching Assistants PD w/Jacob in Flex Room 3:15PM-4:00PM
ES track & field practice, on the front fields, 3:10-4:30
Thursday, Jan. 19 Specialist TAs & Staff TAs PD w/Jacob in Flex Room, 8:10AM-9:10AM
ES swim practice, 3:10AM-4:30AM
Friday, Jan. 20
Sat/Sun. Pest Control (Closed Campus) (Sun.)
Coming Up:
Jan. 24 Tết Assembly
Jan. 26 ES Principal’s Coffee, 8:15am – 9:30am
Jan. 27-Feb.5 Tết Holidays
Feb. 28 ASA Floor Hockey Game Cancellation (due to SSIS Innovate)