March 6 – 10
Nuts & Bolts:
Cafeteria Expectations: On Tuesday, there will be presentations about cafeteria expectations in the flex room. The presentation is geared for students grade 1-5, as well as all teachers, teaching assistants, coaches/psychologist, specialist teachers & specialist TAs who work with them. Please sign up here for a time. Note, EC & Kinder teachers/TAs are not required to attend but are welcome.
Professional Development for Teaching Assistants: Our goal this year is to provide teaching assistants with meaningful PD opportunities that are in line with self-identified needs, teacher/administrator/coach identified needs, and are in line with the SSIS Mission, Core Values and ES Initiatives. PD is designed based on best practices for PD. The TA PD schedule is regularly updated. My sincere thank you to those who are presenting and to everyone’s flexibility to support these offerings.
New TA in G1: If you see a new face in the ES building, it’s probably Mr. Vu. He’s our new grade 1 teaching assistant. Please give him a warm hello!
Wishing everyone a great week. – Roxanne
Here’s what’s up this week: No ASAs this week.
Monday, Mar. 6 Happy Birthday, Thụy LẠI!
GROUP B TAs w/Jacob: Emotion Coaching Level 2
Flex Room, 8:10AM-9:10AM
ES Online registration for Season 3 Today-Mar. 9
ES Soccer Online Registration Today-Mar.10
Learning Journeys: Online Registration Today-Mar. 17
Tuesday, Mar. 7 Cafeteria Expectations Presentations throughout the day
GROUP A TAs w/Jacob: Emotion Coaching Level 2
FLEX ROOM , 8:10AM-9:10AM
Mr. Burger’s G2 Walking Tour, 9:20AM-10:30AM (pending approval)
PTA Country Ambassadors, HS MPR, 8:15AM-9:15AM
ELT @ 2:40PM
Wednesday, Mar. 8 Happy International Women’s Day!
Mr. Burger’s & Ms. Manzano’s Waste Solutions Trip 8:00AM-11:30AM
Mr. Jeremy’s G2 Walking Tour, 9:20AM-10:40AM (pending approval)
Full Faculty WASC Visit Preparation, Aud. 3:15PM
K & G1 TAs w/Kattina: Math Practices Part 1, Flex Room @ 3:15PM
G2 & G3 TAs w/Tara: Conferring Part 2, Collab Room @ 3:15PM
G5 TAs, Ms. Ha & Ms. Mai w/Ms Ana:
Tech & Foreign Lang Instructions, A403 @ 3:15PM
Thursday, Mar. 9 Happy Birthday, Mandy FRIEDMAN!
ES Drama Production, Aud., 6:30PM-8:00PM
Friday, Mar. 10 ES Drama Production Encore. G1-5 Aud. 12:00PM-1:00PM
Sat/Sun. Mar. 11/12 SSIS Family Fun Day, Sat., 2:30PM-5:30PM
Coming Up:
Mar. 15 Early Dismissal
Mar. 16 ES Assemblies
Mar. 18 SSIS Faculty Follies
Mar. 24 ES Learning Journeys – No School
Apr. 3-7 Spring Break