March 12-16
Dear ES Team,
Congratulations to Alan, Jason, Nikki….and of course our talented students for an amazing production. I know how much time and energy goes into coordinating a polished performance! Well done!
Also, in honor of International Women’s Day, I’d like to officially acknowledge all of our incredible women on staff—I’m grateful for the daily inspiration, patience, and grace you impart on a daily basis!
Important Information:
- Our Grade 5 Teachers and TA’s will be off campus from Monday-Thursday. I will be on lunch recess duty each of those days. There will be 80 less students on the playground, but please be aware that we will still be one “man” down on duty each day—so we may to adjust our playground position!
Divisional News:
- Please take photos of special events to share on our e-boards, with our marketing department, and with Truc for our yearbook file.
- Please work on (and submit to Truc) Super Unit Text for the yearbook. If you have questions, please let me know.
Weekly Snapshot:
Monday, March 12
- Grade 5- Cat Tien National Park Trip
Tuesday, March 13
- Grade 5- Cat Tien National Park Trip
Wednesday, March 14
- Happy Birthday, Jeremy NELDON
- Grade 5- Cat Tien National Park Trip
- Early Dismissal
- ES Group Photo (Spider Web)—more information will follow
- Teacher meeting details will follow
- TA meeting with HR in Library
Thursday, March 15
- Grade 5- Cat Tien National Park Trip
Friday, March 16
- Happy Birthday, Melissa MARTIN (March 18)
ES Athletic Info
If parents have any questions regarding athletics, please send them to Shelley (ext. 11141) or Phoung Anh (ext. 11140)
MONDAY, March 12
- 3:15-4:30 – ES Soccer
- Boys front fields
- Girls back fields
TUESDAY, March 13
- 6:15-7:30am – ES swim – A and B team only
- 4:00 – ES swim – Friendly swim meet @ SSIS pool
- ES Soccer
- Boys front fields
- Girls back fields
- 3:10-4:30 – ES swim – A and B team only
THURSDAY, March 15
- 3:10-4:30 – ES swim – C team only
FRIDAY, March 16
- 3:15-4:30 – ES swim- A and B team only
March 19
- ASA session 3 begins
March 23
- Learning Journeys
- It is being organized the same way as last year
- March 22 is NOT an early release day. There are no appointments with parents on that day.
- Parents have NOT already started signing up for appointments on March 23. (Parents will start signing up on Monday, February 26)
- Up to 4 students and parents can sign up to come to your class at the same time.
March 26-30
- Spring Break
April 6
- ES Variety Show
- ES Family Movie Night
April 14
- Early Years Conference April 14-15, 2018. The theme of the conference: A Joyful Life: Creating an Engaging, Empowering and Playful Environment with keynote Tom Hobson. Registration is closes soon!
- Please fill in the PD request form if interested in attending.
April 27
- ES Sports Day