Nov. 26-30
Dear ES Team,
Thank you for welcoming our guests from JNAS. The seven G4 visiting students have had a great experience and their teachers have expressed sincere appreciation for having the opportunity to learn from us! Dan and I appreciate your flexibility and patience during this very busy time of year!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Important info:
- Overseas order will be due on Nov 26, 2018 :)?
- Here is the link for the Procedure for Overseas order
- Please send home the Farm to Table Flyer (I will email the attachment) sometime next week.
- The Student Leadership Group is organizing a Dragon Friendship Fun Night (Movie Night) on Friday, Dec. 7 from 5-8:00pm. Please consider volunteering to help supervise for part of the evening.
- Progress reports Deadlines:
- Monday, December 3: Classroom & Specialist Progress Reports Due
- Monday, December 10: Administrators finish reviewing reports
- December 11 – 13, 2018: Reports to be ready to sign
- Friday, December 14: Reports sent home with students
- If you are attending PD, please remember to submit a leave request through the HR portal. This will help us secure a sub for the days you will be absent.
- When you are booking a room, please factor in set-up and clean-up time on the calendar.
- If you are interested in presenting at VTC, please speak to David Curran– he can help you fill out the application.
- We are encouraging teachers and TA’s to attend this conference, please let us know if you are interested (January 26-27)
- Our yearbook theme this year is EXPLORE– framed in an Indiana Jones treasure hunt theme. As we think about grade level photos, we’d like to collect (borrow) some costumes and props. Please bring any items to Truc.
- Please remember to book our school photographer if you have a special event.
Weekly Snapshot:
Saturday, November 24
- American Thanksgiving (4-9pm)
Monday, November 26
- 4LH Field trip to Spin and Gogh
Tuesday, November 27
- 4DR Field trip to Spin and Gogh
Wednesday, November 28
- 4MS Field trip to Spin and Gogh
- PD Meetings
Thursday, November 29
- 4ME Field trip to Spin and Gogh
Friday, November 30
- EC Winter Concert (8:30 am)
- K Winter Concert (9:30 am)
Saturday, December 1
- SSIS Holiday Celebration
Sunday, December 2
- Happy Birthday, Mark EDWARDS
ATHLETICS – CLICK HERE for future dates of games and tournaments.
MONDAY, November 26
- 3:15-4:30 – ES Track & Field – starts
- meet on front fields
TUESDAY, November 27
3:15-4:30 – ES Badminton
- in ES-MS gym
WEDNESDAY, November 28
- 3:15-4:30 – ES Track & Field
- on front fields
THURSDAY, November 29
- 3:15-4:30 – ES Badminton
- GAME vs RISS and SING in ES-MS gym
FRIDAY, November 30
Monday, December 3-Friday, December 7
- Farm to Table week in cafeteria
Friday, December 7
- G1 and G2 Winter Concert 1:45 pm
- Dragon Fun Friend Night (Movie Night)
- 5:00-8:00pm
- Viewing of Elf
Thursday, December 13
- Celebration of Salt and Pepper (in Little Dragon’s Park during morning recess)