September 7 -11

Changes…again! This week we will roll out new entry and exit procedures, a new duty roster, and will begin ASAs. We will need everyone’s patience and flexibility. Please, if you can be, be available and offer your help. This will take some practice.

Some great thoughts and reminders from Grade 1 that we can all benefit from!

Entry and Exit Procedures: These will change this Monday. Please read through this information carefully:

Morning Arrival Procedures
07:30Grades K-G5 may enter the school turnstiles and walk directly to the Atrium area.
07:45Grades K-G5 may enter the elementary building and go directly to classes.Early Childhood parents may bring their children into the Plaza to be dropped off with their teacher, and parents then must exit the campus.
07:55Early Childhood teachers will walk their students from the Plaza to their classrooms.
08:00Instruction begins for all grades EC-G5.  Attendance is taken and students arriving after 08:00 are marked tardy.

Afternoon Departure Procedures
15:00Instruction ends for all grades EC-G5. Students are brought to busses, after school activities, or the Plaza.
15:10Parents of students in grades EC-G3 may enter the Plaza to pick up their children. (Parents who want their child in grades EC-G3 to be picked up by an older sibling in grades 4-12, must sign the Dismissal Permission Form.)Students in grades 4 and 5 exit campus on their own.
15:20Students who have not been picked up are brought to ‘late pick-up seating’ in the school reception.

Duty Roster: The updated duty roster will begin this Monday as well. Please read through the duty descriptions carefully. Please note that some of the areas have been reconfigured.

ASAs Begin: Here is arrival and dismissal information from Elizabeth. Please read through this carefully. Classroom teachers please note:

We strongly encourage teachers either give students a small slip of paper with their ASA listing for the day (the children show that slip of paper to the ASA Supervisor/Helper who ensures that they get to the right place) or put a sticker on their shirt with their ASA. If your students are with a specialist at the end of the day we ask that homeroom teachers assist in this process. 

For those running an ASA this session please refresh your memory on how SchoolsBuddy works.  You can CLICK to view instructions on how to take attendance in SchoolsBuddy.  If you have just joined us this year you will definitely want to ensure that you have registered yourself in SchoolsBuddy through the email that was sent to you a few weeks ago.  If you are having trouble please reach out to either Ms. Sang or Ms. Elizabeth. 

Student List Season 1 ASA

School Photos: Please find the class and individual schedules here.

ES Sunshine Committee: I need two more people! Pretty please! Thanks to Brianna and Heidi for volunteering so far. Let’s spread some cheer and support our ES community! I would like to begin this work anew this year. If you like to organize events that celebrate and support others, please join me! If you are interested in attending an initial brainstorming and planning session please send me (Mel) an email and we will get to work soon!

TA Readiness for Virtual School: Here is the PD presentation that TAs went through on Tuesday. Please make sure that TA schedules for VS are being set. Thanks!

The Week Ahead:

Monday, September 7

ASAs Begin! New exit and entry procedures! New duty roster! School photos!

All hands on deck are needed! 🙂

Tuesday, September 8

ELT 2:40- 3:40

Wednesday, September 9

Wednesday Meeting: To Be Determined

Thursday, September 10

Friday, September 11

Vietnamese Studies Classes 3:15- 4:25pm

Important Info at your fingertips:

Care and Excellence in Action Form! When you see a colleague showing excellence/and or care, please fill in this form and I will share these on the blog. Let’s celebrate each other! 🙂

Duty Roster 2020-2021: Updated September 7

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

What to do if you miss school

Wellness Blog: This week, “The Language of Strengths

Travel Questionnaire

International SOS Travel Recommendations

Insurance update from Tie Care 

Link to ES ENews

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