November 9-13

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! Together we ARE better!

Our total contribution as an ES for the Flood Relief Campaign was:


Thanks so much everyone!

Dragon Cloud over the SSIS Dragons! Thanks Carlos for capturing this! Amazing!

ES Sports: Season Two tryouts begin this week!

Tripod Survey: We will be administering the tripod survey this week.  The tripod survey is an opportunity for students to give feedback to their teachers about their impressions of the teaching and learning experience from their perspective.  We are including students in grades 1 and 2 this year, which is new for us. 
Attached is the administration guide for the survey.  The administration guide provides you:

  • A teacher script for how to administer the survey with students
  • Alternate phrasing for students who are uncertain about the meaning of a question

If teachers are interested in providing additional support and explanations to students, you are requested to ‘trade teachers’ with another class while administering so that students do not feel pressured to provide certain answers.Specialists should arrange with classes to bring iPads or laptops to your specialist class so the students may take the survey.Login cards are being printed and will be delivered to you in the next few days.
If you are unsure about how Tripod is administered, please talk to a teacher in grades 3-5 who administered it last year, so you understand the general process.After the data has been gathered, Mel and I will set up meetings to have teachers reflect on their response data.  This data is used for professional development purposes, not for teacher evaluation.

Please see Dan’s email for more information.

Save the Date- ES Faculty Social on Friday, November 20:

Care and Excellence in Action: There are so many amazing things happening every day! Please take a moment to recognize a colleague! This can brighten a day!

The Week Ahead:

Monday, November 9

Food Committee Meeting: 3:15-4:15 in the ES Collaboration Room

Grades 4 & 5 Badminton in the MS/ES Gym – tryouts

SIGN UP for ASA’s begins!

Tuesday, November 10

ELT 2:40- 3:40

Grades 3-5  Track & Field – MS field

Wednesday, November 11

3:15- 4:30 ES Faculty

Topic: Health Location: Auditorium

Grades 4 & 5 Badminton in the MS/ES Gym – tryouts

Thursday, November 12

Grades 3-5  Track & Field – MS field

Friday, November 13

Half Day: Students Dismissed at 12:15pm

All School PD (TAs included): Strategic Planning and Child Safe Guarding

Vietnamese Studies: 3:15-4:25

Important Info at your fingertips:

Care and Excellence in Action Form!

Operations Guide: The Navigator

Duty Roster 2020-2021

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

Specialist Communication Document

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

Student List Season 1 ASA

What to do if you miss school

Wellness Blog: This week, “Perspective Taking to Engage your EQ”

Travel Questionnaire

International SOS Travel Recommendations

Insurance update from Tie Care 

Link to ES ENews

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