February 21 – 25

What a week! It was joyous to have our students back! We recognize all of your amazing efforts towards hybrid learning. It has been trial and error and you have done this with patience and grace. We are working on ways to share your learnings and ideas. We encourage you to have a look at other’s setups and systems. If you are having a hard time finding time to do this, reach out to Mel, a coach, or a coordinator to see how we can support this to happen. We can get creative!

Virginia and Kim Anh show incredible teamwork to support all their kiddos!

We recognize with many changes having to take place quickly, there comes a plethora of other emotions, especially with the F0 and F1 situations and shifts that continue to happen. Please do reach out to Lance if you have questions or need advice. He is also willing to do a lesson/check in with your class and/or you to help support these transitions.

Thank you Lance!

Return to School Slideshow


Upcoming Logistics to Note:

Dismissal at the Multi-Use Pavilion begins today!

  • Grades 3-5: All the turnstiles will be exit only, and their won’t be ‘maze’ of stanchions in the plaza to weave through.  Traffic flow will be direct and one-way, so it should be faster and easier.
  • Grades EC-2: You will need to help your own students through the turnstiles.  Allow extra time for this procedure on Monday. (You may want to practice ahead of time and have them all have their IDs in their left hands.  Great opportunity to learn the importance of ‘left’ from ‘right’.). Also, when you get to the pavilion, you may dismiss your students to their parents when you are ready… we won’t be holding parents back until a certain time.  Please make sure to keep a clipboard so you can keep track of who picked up each student since we won’t have the turnstiles keeping tracking of which adults are on campus, and we won’t have video recording of which student leaves with which adult, so we need your help with security records.

Duty Schedule:

School Photos:

Link to School Photo Schedule

If your class is here physically, please follow the schedule. We will work to complete classes as they return from VS.

Attendance Codes:

Attendance Codes for PowerSchool

Ongoing February 14 Return to Physical School Question Document: Please feel free to add your questions and comments.

We are here for you! Dan & I continue to invite you to book meetings with us, using our Google Calendars, if you would like to talk about anything.

ES Yearbook:  We are still going to produce a yearbook this year with the theme of “Zoom In, Zoom Out”.  In preparation for that, I am hoping that you can drop a few photos from this quarter into this Yearbook Folder. Minh has created folders for your first SuperUnit.  We will need to be creative … so we’d love to have anything you think might be usable. Parents may be able to help with providing photos of their kids working virtually as well. Thank you!

Bright Spots: Please take a moment to read the “bright spots” that were shared last week on the right side widget! Let’s continue to focus on, and celebrate, the good things.

When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here!

Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.

Campus COVID (from Lisa C):  Thank you everyone for your help in following the government regulations when coming to campus. Following up on Catriona’s email (#108 Sept 25), these are the protocols currently in place for all faculty and staff coming to campus:

  • Every staff or faculty member must be fully vaccinated (and 14 days after the second dose of the vaccine).
  • All staff must self-test on Monday mornings before coming to campus.
  • Staff and faculty members who have recovered from COVID-19 may come to campus after the nurse verifies the documentation.
  • Follow all 5K rules while on campus (masks, hand washing, social distance, no gatherings, health declaration)
  • Staff and faculty must use Gate 2 and Main turnstiles (AKA ES entrance).
  • DAILY health declaration on the SSIS App must be completed by every staff or faculty member
  • Turnstiles are now working for staff and faculty with SSIS ID cards. If you don’t have your ID card then you must SIGN IN and SIGN OUT the logbook with Security.
  • All deliveries are at Gate 4 (lunch delivery, Starbucks coffee, parcels, envelopes, etc)
  • COVID testing is recommended for staff to be done weekly.

The Week Ahead:

Monday, February 21:

1:3O – 3:00 Dan & Mel SLT

Tuesday, February 22:

ELT 3:15 – 4:15

Wednesday, February 23:

ES Divisional Meeting at 3:15pm

Thursday, February 24:

Friday, February 25:

Start of Year Info:


Regular Duty Roster

Physical School PrimeTimeTable

Full Faculty Week Slideshow

Starting the Elementary School Year (letter to parents with key dates and times)


Virtual School: Google Calendars Slideshow

Zoom Set up for ES Teachers Slideshow

Laptop Orientation Letter

Connecting to Seesaw Family Letter

Network Account Letter

EPIC Sign In Information

Power Standards Seesaw Skills

Technology Survival Checklist 


Elementary Student Support website 

SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness


EAL Portal


ES Database Passwords

More Important Info at your fingertips:

SSIS Summer Safety

Share the “Bright Spots” Form!

 Visitor Registration Procedures

Operations Guide: The Navigator

ES Virtual School Guidelines

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

PE Equipment Checkout Form

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

PBIS Behavioural Interventions for Educators

Event Video Request

What to do if you miss school

Travel Questionnaire

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