August 15th – 20th:

“I’ve always liked the first week of school better than the last week of school. Firsts are better because they are beginnings.” -Jenny Han

What an amazing first week of school it was. The joy of seeing some many smiling faces on students, parents, and staff was infectious. As we continue our beginning keep doing what you are doing. Building connections and trust leads to amazing school years. Please let us know how we can help with anything.

Teamwork, good sportsmanship and respect for all happening in P.E. this week

Weekly Focus:

Please continue to work on community building, procedures and routines. Practice leads to long term memory.

Curriculum night is Thursday. Please let us know how we can help or if you need anything.

The Week Ahead:

Monday, August 15th:

ES Sports – S1 – Sign ups (15th-17th)

8:30 – 10:00 AM – ES Workshop for NEW elementary parents

3:30 – IDT with Jan Chappuis: Zoom meeting

Tuesday, August 16th:

9:00 – 10:00 – ALT learning Walk

12:00 – 1:00 – Learning Leadership Team

Wednesday, June 3:

10:00 – 11:00 AM – Edward in WOW meeting

Thursday, June 4:

6:00 – 8:00 PM – Curriculum Night

Friday, June 5:

9:50 – 11:05 AM – Specialist Meeting

Important Links

 Staff Recess and Lunch Guidelines

Student Recess and Lunch Guidelines

Lunch/recess procedures planning team

If you are absent from your duty (including those of you at home), it is your responsibility to ensure there is duty coverage for your assigned duty. If you cannot do this, please let Minh or me know.

PURPLE MOMENTS: Please take a moment to read the “Purple moments” that were shared last week on the right side widget! Let’s continue to focus on, and celebrate, the good things.

When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here!

Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.


Parent and Students:

Faculty and Staff:

Start of Year Info:


Regular Duty Roster

Physical School PrimeTimeTable



Elementary Student Support website 

SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness


EAL Portal


ES Database Passwords

More Important Info at your fingertips:

Share the “Bright Spots” Form!

 Visitor Registration Procedures

Operations Guide: The Navigator

ES Virtual School Guidelines

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

PE Equipment Checkout Form

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

PBIS Behavioural Interventions for Educators

Event Video Request

What to do if you miss school

Travel Questionnaire

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