September 19th – 23rd

A world which sees art and engineering as divided is not seeing the world as a whole.”

— Professor Sir Edmund Happold

Work began in earnest on the STEAM building this week. What I have learned in my short time here is that at the elementary level, the arts are an integral part of what we do and who we are. I am excited that as a school we will soon have more dedicated space for integration for all students. The construction will pose both challenges and opportunities. Please remember it is temporary so please don’t pass up any chances for your students to see engineering and construction in action. If you are looking for ideas please let us know.

Weekly Focus:

Our focus remains Positive emotions.


Specialist Newsletters

The first of the monthly specialist newsletters has come out and they are attached here. Please take a moment to check them out. They are amazing.



Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5


Please be sure to take attendance by name. We are still working on improving our processes. Taking attendance by name will help with this.


Our fire drill was postponed due to the weather. We will announce when the fire drill is rescheduled.


Evaluations for new teachers continues this week. Please do not change a thing.

The Week Ahead:

Monday, Sept. 19th:

1:30 – 3:00 – SLT meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 20th:

1:30 – 2:30 – WOW meeting

2:40 – 4:00 – ELT meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 21st:

10:00 – 11:00 – LLT meeting

3:15 – 4:30 – Full Faculty meeting

Thursday, Sept. 22nd:

12:00 – 2:00 – New faulty orientation (rescheduled from last week)

Friday, Sept. 23rd:

3:30 – 6:00 – ES social

Important Links

 Staff Recess and Lunch Guidelines

Student Recess and Lunch Guidelines

Lunch/recess procedures planning team

HEALTH ADDENDUMS – The following is a link to health addendums that have been made. Please take a moment to read over them

Handbook health addendums

PURPLE MOMENTS: Please take a moment to read the “Purple moments” that were shared last week on the right side widget! Let’s continue to focus on, and celebrate, the good things.

When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here!

Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.


Parent and Students:

Faculty and Staff:


Regular Duty Roster

Physical School PrimeTimeTable


Elementary Student Support website 

SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness


EAL Portal


ES Database Passwords

More Important Info at your fingertips:

Share the “Bright Spots” Form!

 Visitor Registration Procedures

Operations Guide: The Navigator

ES Virtual School Guidelines

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

PE Equipment Checkout Form

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

PBIS Behavioural Interventions for Educators

Event Video Request

What to do if you miss school

Travel Questionnaire

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