Oct. 20th- Oct. 21st
There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest.
Use both and overlook neither.
-Alan cohen
It was so great to enter our Fall break on such a positive note from PTC’s. Parents were so appreciative and happy with the progress their students are making. We hope you had a chance to rest and disconnect from all the hard work you did the first quarter. Consider Thursday and Friday a soft opening to the 2nd quarter. Take time to reestablish classroom procedures, routines, and relationships so that Monday you can hit the ground running. Enjoy the rest of your Fall break. It will be a quick sprint to Winter break. Enjoy every moment.
Weekly Focus:
Our focus for this week will be procedures and routines.
October Specialist newsletters
Here are the October Specialist Newsletters:
October Specialist Newsletter EC
October Specialist Newsletter KG
October Specialist Newsletter G1
October Specialist Newsletter G2
October Specialist Newsletter G3
October Specialist Newsletter G4
October Specialist Newsletter G5
Room parents have been emailing me and are excited to help in any way they can. Please be sure to reach out to them. If you need ideas about what they can do please let us know and we can help.
Duties will remain the same for the 2nd quarter. Please focus on the new lunch process and system with your students.
We have so many amazing things happening daily that represent purple moments. Please take a moment to share one this week.
Please refer to this link
The Week Ahead:
Monday, Oct. 17th
Tuesday, Oct. 18th:
Wednesday, Oct. 19th:
Thursday, Oct. 20th:
Welcome Back.
Friday, Oct. 21st
Important Links
Staff Recess and Lunch Guidelines
Student Recess and Lunch Guidelines
HEALTH ADDENDUMS – The following is a link to health addendums that have been made. Please take a moment to read over them
PURPLE MOMENTS: Please take a moment to read the “Purple moments” that were shared last week on the right side widget! Let’s continue to focus on, and celebrate, the good things.
When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here!
Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.
Parent and Students: https://www.ssis.edu.vn/fs/resource-manager/view/60329413-97d6-4f31-95e8-9827aae85f23
Faculty and Staff: https://www.ssis.edu.vn/fs/resource-manager/view/3887734a-3c46-4863-9dc5-01cea04a8c2a
Physical School PrimeTimeTable
Elementary Student Support website
SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness
More Important Info at your fingertips:
Share the “Bright Spots” Form!
Visitor Registration Procedures
Operations Guide: The Navigator
ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information