Dec. 5th – 9th
“That’s the thing about December: it goes by you in a flash. If you just close your eyes, it’s gone. And it’s like you were never there.”
— Donal Ryan
This week we congratulate 2nd grade for a fantastic music concert. As Melanie shared at the concert; they danced, sang, played instruments and created the production. Congratulations to Leon and the entire music department as well as the entire second grade team.
It’s hard to believe that it is already December. In a flash it was here and in a flash it will be gone. It is three short weeks until we have a once in a career Christmas break for five weeks. We will use the 5 weeks to travel, reconnect, celebrate and relax.
For some of our students the upcoming 5 weeks is a time of being alone a lot, not being able to visit family and in some cases being in a more tense environment. We should expect to see an uptick in behaviors as the holiday approaches. Please show extra grace during this time and ask for extra help in supporting them. We want to make school the happiest of places for our students for the next 3 weeks. Let’s make magical memories for everyone!
Weekly Focus:
Our focus this week will continue to be Balance in Life.
Please take a moment to share one this week.
The ES Sunshine Committee works to the fullest for the ES community and we would like to continue acknowledging important milestones for you and our community. Please help us spread the sunshine by using this form to give the Sunshine Committee a heads-up about happenings in the lives of faculty and staff, so we can make sure that they know we all care. Thank you so much!
Please refer to this link
The Week Ahead:
Monday, Dec. 5th
8:00 – 3:00 – Super Unit Planning KG
Tuesday, Dec. 6th
8:00 – 3:00 – Super Unit Planning G.1
2:40 – 4:00 – ELT
Wednesday, Dec. 7th:
8:00 – 3:00 – Super Unit Planning G.2
Thursday, Dec. 8th:
8:00 – 3:00 – Super Unit Planning G.3
Friday, Dec. 9th
8:15: – 8:45 – Music Concert G.1
Important Links
Staff Recess and Lunch Guidelines
Student Recess and Lunch Guidelines
HEALTH ADDENDUMS – The following is a link to health addendums that have been made. Please take a moment to read over them
Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.
Parent and Students:
Faculty and Staff:
Physical School PrimeTimeTable
Elementary Student Support website
SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness
More Important Info at your fingertips:
Share the “Bright Spots” Form!
Visitor Registration Procedures
Operations Guide: The Navigator
ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information