August 24-28
Dear ES Team,
Wow! We have already accomplished so much! Thanks to each and every one of you for your contributions. It is because of you that SSIS is amazing. This year’s focus on “Care & Excellence” has been so apparent in action. We are so impressed by the flexibility, creativity, purposefulness, resilience, and care that each of you put forth. Our students are in great hands!
New Students: We have 73 new students in the ES and they are transitioning smoothly! This is due to the care that you all show them. Please keep checking in with them to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. 🙂
Entry and Exit Procedures and Duty Roster: Phew! Things are now running more smoothly. Thanks to everyone for being to these duties on time and for jumping in to help when needed.
Remote Student Update: Orren is currently working with 22 remote students. He is working on setting up Google Meets and has been checking in with teachers. Thanks to all the teachers of the remote students for putting some work up on SeeSaw and a huge thanks to Orren for taking on this never been done before position and running with it! David C. has also created a website to help support these families and has reached out to meet with each family. Thanks everyone!
Vietnamese Studies: Our Vietnamese Studies classes began on Friday, August 21. These will run weekly from 3:15- 4:25. The teachers will be Ms. Mai, Ms. Ha, Ms. Tu, and Mr. Binh and the classes will take place in rooms B300, B301, B304 and B307. We are very proud of this program and wish the teachers a great year of Vietnamese Studies ahead!
The Week Ahead:
Monday, August 24
ASA Online Registration Begins (all week)
Tuesday, August 25
ELT Meeting 2:40- 3:40pm
Wednesday, August 26
ES Divisional Meeting: 3:15- 4:30pm (Auditorium and Flex Room).
Thursday, August 27
Friday, August 28
Vietnamese Studies Classess 3:15- 4:25pm
Important Info at your fingertips:
Care and Excellence in Action Form! When you see a colleague showing excellence/and or care, please fill in this form and I will share these on the blog. Let’s celebrate each other! 🙂
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