August 30 – September 1

As I reflect on this past week, I think about the community coming together and supporting each other. This is evident in your teamwork and shared support of each other, our students, and their families.

Thanks for your role in our community!

It’s a three day week coming up! Please enjoy a break from your screens and find some time to relax.

Ryan in EC is enjoying Virtual School!

Covid Relief Community Support: This continues until September 6th.

As you saw from Catriona’s recent email, the school is partnering up with the charity From Saigon to Saigon who make food and essential care packages to people in desperate need during COVID. Here is a presentation summarizing their amazing work. 

As a whole school, let’s get the students excited and thinking about this fantastic and urgent cause. I have included a short slideshow that you can show in your class, and post on SeeSaw to build awareness. Feel free to make a copy and change anything as you see fit. 

It would be fantastic if we can find any fun and meaningful connections within the ‘Understanding Ourselves’ Super Unit, the Core Values, and this project! 

Here is a FlipGrid page where students and teachers can post positive messages, artwork, songs, poems (basically anything!) for the Saigon community during this time. 

ES Sunshine Committee: Let’s spread some cheer and support our ES community! If you like to organize events that celebrate and support others, please join! If you are interested in attending an initial brainstorming and planning session please send me (Mel) an email and we will get to work soon!

Professional Development Opportunities: I have started a sidebar widget with links to amazing PD opportunities. If you know of others, please share with me, and I will continue to populate this.

Bright Spots: Please take a moment to read the “bright spots” that were shared last week on the right side widget! Let’s continue to focus on, and celebrate, the good things.

When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here!

The Week Ahead:

Monday, August 30:

Tuesday, August 31:

ELT: 3:15 – 4:15pm

Wednesday, September 1:

ES Faculty Meeting: EAL Portal & Assessment

Thursday, September 2:

No School: Vietnamese National Day

Friday, September 3:

No School: Vietnamese National Day Holiday Continues

Start of Year Info:


Full Faculty Week Slideshow

Starting the Elementary School Year (letter to parents with key dates and times)


Virtual School: Google Calendars Slideshow

Zoom Set up for ES Teachers Slideshow

Laptop Orientation Letter

Connecting to Seesaw Family Letter

Network Account Letter

EPIC Sign In Information

Power Standards Seesaw Skills

Technology Survival Checklist 


Elementary Student Support website 

SSIS Health, Counseling and Wellness


EAL Services Document


ES Database Passwords

More Important Info at your fingertips:

SSIS Summer Safety

Share the “Bright Spots” Form!

 Visitor Registration Procedures

Operations Guide: The Navigator

ES Virtual School Guidelines

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

PE Equipment Checkout Form

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

PBIS Behavioural Interventions for Educators

Event Video Request

What to do if you miss school

Travel Questionnaire

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