Oct. 2nd – 5th
Family Fun Day provided a much-needed respite from the daily grind of work. It was heartening to see so many of you come out to support the school, PTA, and, of course, to have some fun. A big thank you to all the volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to make the event a tremendous success.
This week, we will continue with our SUPP. This time is truly a valuable gift as it allows us to reflect on our craft and engage in meaningful conversations about our next steps. I encourage everyone to come prepared and actively participate, fostering deep collaboration within your teams.
Dragon News
Athletics Announcements
Purple Moments
A huge and heartfelt shoutout to Denise and Craig for their flexibility in relocating their work space while we work to improve classrooms!
To all the teachers and teaching assistants who have been applying their learning about the reading science to practice this week! Keep going!
To the Grade 3 team for creating challenging learning opportunities for their students to solve problems and to practice working in teams. I am sure the robots are looking forward to a restful weekend!
The week Ahead
Monday, October 2nd
Tuesday, October 3rd
3:10 – 4:30 – ELT
Wednesday, October 4th
3:15 – 4:30 – ES goals – Assessment and literacy (vocabulary) EC-5
Thursday, October 5th
1:45 – 3:15- LLT
Friday, October 6th