Category: Weekly News

Welcome to ES 2021-2022 !

Firstly, I wish to thank you for all a wonderful start. We are in highly unusual circumstances and yet, you all continue to show incredible professionalism and dedication. This year, we are going to focus on “Finding the Bright Spots.” When we do this we can share a joyful educator moment or share a shout out to a staff member who has brightened our day. You can find the form here! The Week Ahead: Monday, August 9: Full Faculty Orientation 3:00 Elementary Leadership Team 4:00 New Families Orientation (All School) 5:00 Grades 4 & 5 Laptop Orientation (Run by Dave...


We wish you all a wonderful summer! Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. Here are the links to the virtual assembly and the departing faculty video: Virtual End of Year Assembly Departing Faculty Video Be well and take good care! Mel & Dan Important Info at your fingertips: SSIS Summer Safety Care and Excellence in Action Form!  Visitor Registration Procedures Operations Guide: The Navigator ES Virtual School Guidelines Duty Roster 2020-2021 Evacuation Plan Procedures Rainy Day Recess PE Equipment Checkout Form ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information Event Video Request What to do if you miss school Wellness...

June 7 – 11

It’s our last week of school! It’s hard to believe. We have provided our students with exceptional learning experiences and fostered their academic and personal growth. Despite the uncertainly of our situation, we have worked with resilience and shown care and support for each other. Let’s continue to lift each other up! We can do this. And we can do this well! CURRENT UPDATES: 1) What is the expectation for teachers completing pass-up folders? Pass-up folders should still be completed according to the original format, but the expectations for the due date are modified. If you are terminating your employment with...

May 31 – June 4

Congratulations on completing Week 3, Round 2 of Virtual School for this year. As we head into the final two weeks of school let’s all look after ourselves and each other as best we can. I came across this checklist for kids and I thought it pertains to us adults too. Have a look and see what speaks to you. We can do this. And we can do this well! CURRENT UPDATES: 1) What is the expectation for teachers completing pass-up folders? Pass-up folders should still be completed according to the original format, but the expectations for the due date are...

May 24 – 28

Congratulations on completing Week 2, Round 2 of Virtual School for this year! As uncertainly seems to be the name of the game right now, we need to continue to focus on supporting each other. I have noticed so many acts of kindness, words of encouragement, and teams leaning on each other. We can do this. And we can do this well. Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Caterer’s Portal: The new Caterers Web Portal is accessible via the eNews main menu, under “The Caterers”...

May 17 – 21

Congratulations on completing Week 1, Round 2 of Virtual School for this year. It has been a joy jumping into Google Meets and seeing all the learning in place. From EC to Grade 5 our students are online and engaging in exceptional learning experiences! Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Caterer’s Portal: The new Caterers Web Portal is accessible via the eNews main menu, under “The Caterers” or via this link: To begin using the portal for the first time, follow these simple steps: Enter your...

May 10 – 14

WE CAN DO THIS! AND WE CAN DO THIS WELL. Thanks for all of your efforts with the upcoming transition to virtual school. You are experienced and prepared. The students know what to do. We can do this….well! Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Caterer’s Portal: The new Caterers Web Portal is accessible via the eNews main menu, under “The Caterers” or via this link: To begin using the portal for the first time, follow these simple steps: Enter your user name: Your school ID Enter...

May 4 – 7

As we shift into May, a very busy month, I came across a gem that I’d like to share. It is called the “Going Home” checklist. At the end of each busy day, before you leave for your comfy homes, consider this checklist: Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Caterer’s Portal: The new Caterers Web Portal is accessible via the eNews main menu, under “The Caterers” or via this link: To begin using the portal for the first time, follow these simple steps: Enter your user...

April 26 – 30

Our students have been busy exploring systems thinking. Critical thinking, inquiry and collaboration skills are going strong. It is evident that your work of building these skills throughout the year is shining through! Your little ones are almost ready to move on to the next Grade level. Thanks for all of the thought and care you are putting into Class Creator and the assessing of students at this time of year. I’ll say it again, our students are so fortunate for your care! This week, Evelyn presented to parents on reading and writing and Kattina presented to new faculty on...

April 19 – 23

It seems that the rainy season is upon us, with a bang! This means we are now working on SuperUnit 4, gathering assessments, and solidifying skills to get our students ready to move up a Grade level. Next week has a mid-week holiday- enjoy this! CTP Testing: For Grades 3, 4, & 5 CTP testing continues this week. Here is the CTP Proctoring Presentation for your reference. Here is the CTP Make Up Document as well. Personal Wellness & PERMAH: How is your wellness today? Last week, David Carpenter, worked with our New Faculty on this topic and shared some...