Category: Weekly News

April 12 – 16

Welcome back! It was nice to hear that everyone had a lovely Spring Break. There were a lot of beaches visited! As things ramp up towards the end of this school year, continue to visit those memories with a nice, deep breath! CTP Testing: For Grades 3, 4, & 5 CTP testing begins this week. Here is the CTP Proctoring Presentation for your reference. Personal Wellness & PERMAH: How is your wellness today? Last week, David Carpenter, worked with our New Faculty on this topic and shared some valuable resources and processes. If you’d like to take a look, reflect...

April 5 – 9

There was so much happening this week. Congrats and a huge thanks to all of the teachers, coaches, TAs and support staff that contributed to field trip successes! Our students are so fortunate. Surveys:  Please complete the surveys on people whom you have had significant interaction with or who influence your work at SSIS.  All of the surveys are anonymous.  All surveys are being sent now so that you can choose when to complete them before, during or after break.  They all close on Friday, April 9. Community Survey Faculty 2021 Head of School Survey 2021 – Catriona Moran ES...

March 22 – 26

There was so much happening this week. Congrats and a huge thanks to all of the teachers, coaches, TAs and support staff that contributed to field trip successes! Our students are so fortunate. Learning Journeys: Schedules have been shared with you. We will be providing lunch (burrito bowls). Please use this form to let us know what you would like – this is optional. Starbucks coffee and a variety of teas will be provided throughout the day as well! Enjoy! Thanks for all of your hard working preparing your students for the sharing of their learning. Learning Journeys Duty Schedule:...

March 15 – 19

It’s been another big week of learning. Our students are so fortunate to be experiencing field trips (both virtual and physical), swimming in the pool, building landform models and movies, and learning how to butter toast in KG! Seeing everything going on continues to amaze me! Evacuation Drill Thursday @ 9:45am:  This week’s evacuation drill has two goals: 1 – sound check; 2 – improve on our performance in evacuation. Additional alarms have been added around campus. We will be ensuring we have all areas monitored so that we can check sound. You will be asked to report the sound level...

March 8 – 12

It’s been a treat to see our students back! I love looking out the window and seeing the students playing soccer during PE, sketching during out, climbing, and playing. There is such joy in the noise of children at play! TAs Support Communication: On occasion, grade level TAs may be asked to support LS and EAL teachers to communicate with Vietnamese parents in their grade level. Thanks to the TAs for providing this support! Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Caterer’s Portal: The new Caterers...

March 1 – 5

Our students are coming back! Yes! We are so thrilled to have students back on Monday. Again, thanks so much for all the effort that you put into making this round of Virtual School such a success. Please take some time to reorient your students to classroom rules, transitions, and focus on relationship building. They are going to be so happy to see you and their peers. We wish you a wonderful week ahead welcoming them back! Video Bonus 3:45pm– For all of us who find ourselves overthinking, this video will provide some perspective. Please enjoy! Travel Questionnaire: If you...

February 22 – 26

Welcome back everyone! Thanks for all our your efforts to make Virtual School the best it can be for our students. We have been jumping into Google Meets and hearing meaningful discussions, seeing “entry tickets” using Jamboard, watching the young ones exercise and chat about the color wheel, and listening to fabulous read alouds. Thanks for the tremendous effort in getting your learning packets ready as well! Travel Questionnaire: If you travel outside of HCMC (even on a weekend trip), you must fill this in before you travel. Thanks! Virtual School Wellness For Students Idea: One approach for ES teachers...

February 17 – 19

Chuc Munh Nam Moi! The gracious water buffalo was naive when he agreed to help the rat and the cat across the river. He would have been first on the zodiac calendar if he decided to say no, but he couldn’t. Thus he lost 1st place in the zodiac list because he was betrayed by the rat. Legend has it that while crossing the river the rat pushed the cat overboard when they neared land. The rat made a more devious move when he jumped off the head of the buffalo when they neared the finish line and crossed first....

February 1 – 5

It’s the final week before the Tet Holiday. Thanks for your care in helping the students to transition smoothly and your encouragement of them to display our core values. As the holiday excitement mounts, please be extra attentive to this. We also want to acknowledge all of the hard work that has gone into the planning of field trips this week and the effort taken on the trips to ensure our student’s safety. THANK-YOU! Finally, thanks for you diligence in preparing for the possibility of Virtual School. We can do hard things….together! ES Community Garden Party- Postponed! Stay tuned for...

January 25 – 29

This week I have been reflecting on the care that is shown for our students by our staff every single day. THANK YOU ALL. ES Community Garden Party- Sunday, January 31! It took us awhile to get the permit (thanks so much Minh) but we got approval today. Let’s party! Tet Festival 2021 These are the links to information about this year’s Tet Festival:PlanSign up sheetTAs will be the main facilitators for this event. However, if teachers want to join this event as a station leader, you are very welcome! You can sign up or email me to discuss the...