Category: Weekly News

Nov. 11-15

  The most beautiful way to start and end the day is with a grateful heart!   Dear ES Team, We all benefit from learning, working, and playing in a culture that is framed in support and encouragement.  Thanks to everyone for enriching our students by supporting our ASA program these past few months— and a big congratulations to our ES sports teams and all of our ES coaches on a very successful fall season!   I’d like to begin our formal evaluation process by asking the faculty to submit the  2019-20 Teacher to Teaching Assistant Feedback  by December 14.  If...

Nov. 4-8

Dear ES Team, I hope everyone had a great week– I definitely  missed being on campus these past few days! Thank you to everyone who has helped cover my duties– I will need coverage next Friday and the following Monday, too!:)  Next week there are city championship games for some of our ES teams– here is the link to Shelley’s email with the details (students participating, departing times, etc.):  Dragon Athletics email Enjoy the weekend!  Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday! Cheers, Donna Reminders: Please remind your students to wash their hands before snack time and lunch, and to...

Oct. 28-Nov. 1

  Useful Information: Our yearbook theme this year is Building our Future– framed in a construction site theme.  As we think about grade level photos, we’d like to collect (borrow) some costumes and props.  Please bring any items to Minh. Please remember to book our school photographer if you have a special event.   Weekly Snapshot: Saturday, October 26 PTA Halloween Event Monday, October 28 Tuesday, October 29 Happy Birthday, Dung LÊ – G5 Wednesday, October 30 Happy Birthday, Loan SIN- PE Donna out (EARCOS) Thursday, October 31 Happy Halloween! G5 Field Trip to Crescent Park (8:00-11:00am) MRISA Volleyball tournament—...

Oct. 14-25

  THANKFUL…GRATEFUL…BLESSED   Dear ES Team, Way to go! These past few days have been marathon ones– but so incredibly successful!  Our parents recognize and value the level of care and commitment our faculty and staff have for our students– and they appreciate the time, energy, and effort you put in to making the conference conversations both personal and constructive.    When life gets overwhelming, we try to  practice what we preach — we try to exchange  our complaints for blessings, which changes our perspective immediately!  There is so much that we are grateful for in every corner of our school–...

Oct. 7-11

Dear ES Team, Happy Friday!  The weeks that lead up to the end of a quarter always seem to be busy ones– and next week is no exception!  Our schedules may be even more complicated than usual with two sets of visitors on our campus– the WASC team and the faculty and students visiting from Jiaxing School (JNAS) in China.  Our JNAS students will be hosted by our G5 team; there will be 2 students in each of the G5 classes– following the class schedule from Monday- Wednesday– this will include all special area classes.   Here is a draft...

Sept. 30-Oct. 4

  Here is a gentle reminder that we need to do the following in order to be prepared for next week’s PD: DEEP DIVE INTO POSITIVE EDUCATION ONLINE MODULE  An email from the Institute of Positive Education ( was sent to you on Wednesday, September 12th. If you have not done so already, please take some time to complete the 60-minute online module before September 30.  VIA CHARACTER STRENGTHS SURVEY – NEEDED For Pos Ed Training! Please take the VIA Character Strengths survey-it takes 5 minutes! Just the FREE version.  Everyone will need a printed copy of their results for...

Sept. 23-27

Weekly Snapshot:  Sunday, September 22 Inside and outside pest control– (please cover all utensils and toothbrushes) Monday, September 23 Tuesday, September 24 G5 Buu Long Trip (5SC) (7:00am-4:00pm) Wednesday, September 25 Happy Birthday, Huy VÕ – PE G5 Buu Long Trip (5KO and 5SB) (7:00am-4:00pm) Unit Planning Meeting (3:15-4:00pm) Thursday, September 26 G5 Buu Long Trip (5JJ and 5RH) (7:00am-4:00pm) Donna will be attending this trip KG Field Trip to Crescent Park (8:10-10:00am) Friday, September 27 David ROSS (September 28) Hương NGUYỄN – EC (September 28)   Upcoming: Monday, September 30 Positive Psychology PD for Faculty and TA’s, no school...

Sept. 16-20

  Chúc mọi người Trung Thu vui vẻ! (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone!)   Weekly Snapshot: Monday, September 16 Tuesday, September 17 Dan out of country Wednesday, September 18 Dan out of country Divisional Meeting  Thursday, September 19 Dan out of country ES Assembly – Auditorium(8:45am) Friday, September 20 Dan out of country   ENews: Link to ES ENews   DRAGON ATHLETICS All ES~MS~HS activities – will officially begin the week of August 26 MONDAY, September 16 3:15-4:30 – ES Soccer  GAME: A teams vs CIS on back field Boys B-C-D on front field TUESDAY, September 17 3:15-4:30 – ES Cross...

Sept. 9-13

Dear ES Team, We have updated the Navigator to reflect some changes we are making to how we can best support our alternative recess opportunities (library, maker space, art room).  You will find your class passes in your mailbox– please begin using these next week. Here is the updated text from the navigator: Other Recess Opportunities: During recess, students may elect to go to the Library, Makers Space, or Art Room.  Each homeroom teacher will be given a limited number of passes to distribute to their students.  Please review the below guidelines for these areas: General: During morning recess, if...

Sept. 2-6

  Dear ES Team, Happy Friday!   Here are a few reminders as we head into September: During rainy day recess– please be sure to have the students return all equipment to its proper place. In order for the check out lines in the cafeteria to work efficiently, please have your students bring their ID cards to lunch. I hope everyone has a great three day weekend!  Cheers, Donna    Weekly Snapshot: Monday, September 2 Vietnamese National Day- NO SCHOOL Happy Birthday, Melanie SYLVESTER Tuesday, September 3 School Photo Schedule Wednesday, September 4 Happy Birthday, Kristin WEISS School Photo Schedule...