Category: Weekly News

Aug.26-Aug. 30

  Dear ES Team, Just a few quick things to note this week: For accuracy and reliability, whenever possible, please use your phone clocks during class, lunch,recess transitions! The Evacuation Plan Procedures have been updated– please note, we have changed where grade levels are expected to line up (see page 3).  Have a great weekend! Cheers, Donna   Weekly Snapshot: Saturday, August 24 Teachers meeting Teachers  Saigon Outcast (District 2) Bus Departs SSIS at 3pm Monday, August  26 ASA’s begin Tuesday, August  27 CC G1 trip to Jump Arena (8:15-11:00am) ES Workshop for New Parents (8:15-11:00am)- Auditorium Wednesday, August  28...

Aug. 19-23

Dear ES Team, We appreciate the time, energy, and effort you have put forth into making the start of this year so seamless and successful.  Our campus is buzzing with an abundance of positive energy and enthusiasm– even in the midst of preparing for Curriculum Night and Super Unit Launches!  In order to prepare for an emergency, we will have several evacuation drills this year, so please review the ES Evacuation Plan Procedures  with your students next week.  I am sure everyone is ready to rest and relax!  Enjoy the weekend!  Cheers, Donna    Weekly Snapshot:  Sunday, August 18 Pest...

Aug. 12-16

  Dear ES Team, A little rain didn’t dampen our spirit these past two days– but I do think we were all grateful for the green flag during recess today! Thank you for your positive energy, unending enthusiasm, and tireless effort this week!  In order to establish good routines and develop good habits, we always function in “all hands on deck” mode the first few days of school.  Many new students, many new teachers and TA’s, and a few new procedures (especially during lunch!) can make things that should be easy quite challenging! This road to good routines and habits...

August 5-9

Dear ES Team, Ready, set, go!  Today is our last day of faculty/staff orientation, tomorrow our students come for orientation, and then finally–the school year officially commences on Wednesday! We are still in the midst of hiring and transitioning new TA’s– thank you everyone for your patience and understanding!  I am so grateful to be working with an amazing group of committed educators– who are sincerely care about our students, the work we are doing, and the experiences we are providing for our students.  SSIS is an incredible community and I am looking forward to a great year!  Cheers, Donna...

June 2-7

Weekly Snapshot: Monday, June 3 Happy Birthday, Brent CHESTERMAN G5 Field trip to VR Game Center at Vivo City (9:30-2:00pm Tuesday, June 4 G5 Moving on Ceremony 1:20-3:00pm) Wednesday, June 5 EC New Parent Orientation (8:00-9:15pm) Thursday, June 6 ES Assembly (8:10) Thursday, June 6: Reports Sent Home with Students Friday, June ES All Staff Gathering (8:30-9:30am) Full Faculty Meeting Luncheon (12:00-1:30pm)   Happy Summer Birthdays: Kattina FOX- June 12 June Hà PHẠM – June 15 Patrick O’DONNELL- June 25 Allison Ruttger- June 29 Fabrice BOUHET- July 3 Chính NGUYỄN – (Art) July 5 Laura HEATWOLE –  July 5 Nam-Anh...

May 27-31

  Weekly Snapshot: Monday, May 27 Monday, May 27: Classroom & Specialist Progress Reports Due Apple Distinguished School Award Ceremony (3:00-4:00pm) Tuesday, May 28 G4 Vietnamese Geography Celebration Wednesday, May 29 G5 Vietnamese Geography Celebration Divisional Meeting KG Admissions Screening Thursday, May 30 ES Principals Coffee (8:15am) Senior Walk-through 2:05 PM: Seniors will arrive at the Elementary building  They will cross the 3rd floor bridge and then start on the 4th floor and work their way down. They will skip the 2nd floor but will go by the art rooms as they continue down the stairs (so no library). They...

May 20-24

  Dear ES Team, Time is flying– and our student are having fun– especially on days like today!  Kudos to our PE department for organizing another great Sports Day!! Enjoy the weekend! Cheers, Donna   Weekly Snapshot: Monday, May 20 Tuesday, May 21 Happy Birthday, Alan HEATWOLE Happy Birthday, Nga TRẦN – EC Wednesday, May 22 Happy Birthday, Brennan DAVIS Thursday, May 23 Thursday, May 23 ES Student Leadership Used Toy Sale ES Art Journeys (3:30-6:30pm) Friday, May 24 ES Student Leadership Used Toy Sale EC Spring Concert (8:30-9:00am) KG Spring Concert (9:30-10:00am) ES Variety Show G4 and G5 (12:00-1:20pm)...

May 13-17

  Weekly Snapshot: Monday, May 13 Tuesday, May 14 Happy Birthday, Uyên VŨ – G2] MS/HS Art Party for ES Students 3:30-5:30pm) No ASA’s Wednesday, May 15 Early Dismissal NGSS Workshop with Paul Anderson Thursday, May 16 Friday, May 17 Sports Day Info for (Grades 2-5) Sports Day 2019 Sports Day Teams Sports Day Info for EC-1 Sports Day Map EC, KG, G1 Teams Activities Upcoming: Thursday, May 23 ES Student Leadership Used Toy Sale ES Art Journeys (3:30-6:30pm) Friday, May 24 ES Student Leadership Used Toy Sale EC Spring Concert (8:30-9:00am) KG Spring Concert (9:30-10:00am) ES Variety Show G4...

April 15-19

Enjoy the long weekend! Cheers! Donna  Weekly Snapshot: Monday, April 15 Vietnamese Kings Day (No School) Happy Birthday, Andy BURGER Tuesday, April 16 KG Field Trip to Crescent Park (8:15-10:00 am) Wednesday, April 17 EC Admissions Screening Full Faculty Meeting (3:15-4:30pm) Thursday, April 18 Happy Birthday, Chris COLQUHOUN Student Spirit Assembly Friday, April 19 Happy Birthday, Vi VŨ – KG (April 21)   Reminders: Please submit your food service surveys by next Wednesday, April 17   The PEARL character strength of the week is… Purpose Definition: Commitment to making a meaningful contribution to one’s community. Go to for more...

April 8-12

Dear ES Team, Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed a fun and relaxing break! Cheers, Donna  Weekly Snapshot: Monday, April 8 Tuesday, April 9 Faculty Breakfast Gathering- 7:20-7:40 (Library)– enjoy breakfast with your colleagues Wednesday, April 10 EC Admissions Screening ES Faculty Meeting (3:15-4:30pm) ES TA Meeting (Ms. Ha and Ms, Mai) Thursday, April 11 Friday, April 12 Happy Birthday, Kha NGUYỄN – KG (April 13)   Upcoming: Monday, April 15 Vietnamese Kings Day (No School) Wednesday, April 17 EC Admissions Screening Thursday, April 25 Student Spirit Assembly Friday, April 26 Sports Day  Sports Day 2019 Sports Day Teams  ...