Category: Weekly News

September 18-22

 Dear ES Team, Sometimes when life is crazy it takes a major event to put things into perspective.  Hurricane Irma helped me recalibrate my mindset this week—reminding me that I should count my blessings rather than allow myself to complain about minor inconveniences.   The impact this storm had was significant, and I am grateful that our family and friends are safe.  My kids were without power for most of this week, but even this was a hidden blessing–considering how many people in the world live without this and other  simple luxuries every single day! I hope, in the midst of...

September 11-15

Dear ES Team, We have two HoS candidates visiting this week—it’s going to be a busy one! In the past the High School had a student organization called “I Teach U”.  From what I understand, HS students made arrangements to tutor ES students.  At this point, this program is not being supported, so please let us know if you receive any emails from students asking to tutor your students. Reminders: Please remind and encourage your students to reapply their sunscreen before outdoor activities. Please remember to send me any grade level Super Unit (or other relevant) news for our ES...

September 4-8

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. –Anthony J. D’Angelo   Dear ES Team, The first week of after school activities seemed to go relatively smoothly, but in order to avoid supervision confusion during this hectic time, please review the dismissal procedures  as outlined in the Navigator. There is a lot of sickness going around, and hopefully this three-day break will inhibit the spreading of these nasty germs.  Remember to submit your attendance so we can accurately track absences due to illnesses. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!  Reminders: While we appreciate the...

August 28-September 1

Dear ES Team, Thank you for your patience and flexibility regarding our restroom issue this week.  Hopefully, the permanent pipe repair will be completed over the weekend! Our food committee met this week—we are looking forward to continuing the efforts initiated by past members. We also appreciate your continued feedback. We are pleased that Fun Fruit World has agreed to offer smaller size smoothies for our students—these small sizes are a little less expensive and a lot more practical.  For divisional consistency, we would like to suggest that we guide the children to eat their lunch before purchasing smoothies.  ...

August 21-25

Dear ES Team, From Curriculum Night to Super Unit launches, it’s been a busy and productive week!. I am sure everyone is ready for a well-deserved weekend! A few announcements for this week: Please let me know if you are interested  mentoring student teacher Alison Gingerich this Spring. Please let me know if you are willing to have Angelo Pera (SSIS class of 2017) intern with you for a short period of time (potentially allowing him to have 3 different experiences) starting after September 12. Let me know if you need a large or medium Core Values poster for your...

August 14-18

Dear Colleagues, In just a few days it’s easy to see the joy of learning that abounds in our school.  SSIS children are filled with energy and happiness, and it’s evident that you all have developed a nurturing academic community that fosters growth, values individuality, and remains child centered.  I am honored to be part of your team!:) Thanks for thinking about and signing up for ASA’s—Shelley will be sending out season 1  information soon.  If you have not signed up for two seasons yet, please do!  Stop by if you’d like to brainstorm other ASA ideas or ways we...

August 7-11

Dear Colleagues, The peaceful, less frenetic days of summer can be incredibly refreshing, and as educators we are grateful for this change in our daily routine as it gives us time to privately reflect on the past and plan for the future. Somehow by the end of the summer we all seem to look forward to getting back into the comfort of our daily work and the joy our young learners and colleagues bring to us.    My first weeks at SSIS have afforded me the opportunity to be immersed in the work with which you all have been deeply...

Summer 2017

     Shouts-outs are in order for: • G5 team for “moving on” 59 students and to all the teachers and TAs who have supported and inspired these students during their tenure at SSIS.    • Everyone in the ES Division for all their contributions this year!                                                                       July 31                           Divisional Teacher Leaders Aug. 1-7      ...

June 5 – 9

     Shouts-outs are in order for: • The entire Kinder Team for their grand Change Over Time Museum! • Stephen, Thi, Marjon, Chính, Alan, Ngân, Regina, and Nhung for an lovely evening of arts and for everyone who contributed to help make the evening a success! • Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Loan, and all of the EC, KG & G1 TAs for their terrific concerts! • Ms. Mai, Ms. Ha, Mr. James, Ms. Chau, and Mr. Hoa for engaging all of the Grade 4 students in an exciting Golden Bell game about Vietnamese language and culture studies.    • The EAL...

May 29 – June 2

     Shouts-outs are in order for: • To the entire Kinder Team for their grand Change Over Time Museum! • Grade 2 Team’s fantastic Senior Buddy Ceremony • Congratulation to Lee Wong: Grade 1 ELT Representative for the 2017-2018 School Year • Tina Ratliff’s EC class for writing a thank you note to the cafeteria staff for the soup and lunches. •Grade 4 classes for working with Barbara to write letters to a terminally ill child in the US who has a goal of receiving 10,000 birthday cards. Nuts & Bolts:  Arts Journey: Expectations for Teachers – This is a reminder that Arts...