Category: Weekly News

May 22 – 26

     Shouts-outs are in order for: • To Elaine for providing fantastic CFG protocol facilitation during our ELT meeting. • Remember, an email is all it takes to recognize your colleagues for the great work they do. Have someone in mind for a “Shout Out?”  Send an email to Roxanne, today! Nuts & Bolts:  Round two of drop in observations.: As per Dan’s Thursday email, here is a link to the Charlotte Danielson rubric we use at SSIS.  We look forward to visiting you in your classrooms, Roxanne and Barbara   Teacher Reflection Form: Please complete this form (by making a copy...

May 15 – 19

    Shouts-outs are in order for: • Catherine, Jason & Ricki for their selection as our in-house EAL trainers. • Kattina for helping students make creative cards for their mothers. •Jason, Catherine & Brian for leading a fantastic TA PD. •Viet for jumping and helping to co-lead Catherine’s TA PD •Barbara & Brian for their strides in making our cafeteria choices as healthy as possible. Nuts & Bolts:  Playground duty schedule: There are current copies in the ES office and on wall in the atrium. Anyone who changed an assignment has already been notified. This link is only for your reference.   Round two of drop in observations.: As per...

May 8 – 12

       Shouts-outs are in order for: • Lee for leading an informative, well-organized, and engaging PD on Seesaw.   • Remember, an email is all it takes to recognize your colleagues for the great work they do. Have someone in mind for a “Shout Out?”  Send an email to Roxanne, today! Nuts & Bolts:  Spring Spirit Days! This Friday the theme is Crazy Hair Day day. Please remind students and parents.  PTA Book Fair:  If you haven’t already done so, please sign up to bring your class. MS Food Drive (May 8- 17): As per the previous email from Natalie. Thank you for your support. Please...

May 1 – 5

    Shouts-outs are in order for: • Barbara for organizing and directing the Roots & Shoots production of The Great Kapok Tree. • Remember, an email is all it takes to recognize your colleagues for the great work they do. Have someone in mind for a “Shout Out?”  Send an email to Roxanne, today! Nuts & Bolts:  Spring Spirit Days! This Friday the theme is favorite book character dress up day. Please remind students and parents.  PTA Book Fair:  If you haven’t already done so, sign up to bring your class Wishing everyone an awesome week. – Roxanne Here’s what’s up this week:  Monday,...

April 24 – 28

    Shouts-outs are in order for: • Truc for her tireless work helping to coordinate photos, photo shoots, and teacher page edits for the yearbook • Jason for planning & coordinating two stellar international day assemblies • Shelley for a streamlined international day photo shoot • The extended G5 Team for empowering their students to generate, develop, and present sustainable project ideas to the Shark Tanks! • Brian for collaboration w/Irman and his comprehensive presentation to the food committee re the toxicity contained in condiments. Under Barbara’s direction, the food committee will reconvene and generate an action plan •Melissa, Stacey & Tina F....

April 17 – 21

  Shouts-outs are in order for: • Everyone who is pitching in to support Melanie and her class and Vball team • David Ross for taking over coaching Chris Sylvester’s team • To Brent for helping to cover a coaching session for Melanie • Catherine and Jason for being selected as our in-house ES EAL trainers.  • The G3 team for their unit launch with the HoS and SSIS Board  • The Kinder team for their volcanically explosive unit launch Nuts & Bolts: ES Community Mural: Regina is coordinating a community mural and we hope YOU will be a part of it! Inside each of your mailboxes there is...

April 10 – 14

“Ask not why, but why not?” -Unknown Genius Welcome back from Spring Break!   Shouts-outs are in order for: • To everyone who got their yearbook pictures and paragraphs submitted. This was greatly appreciated by Tram and Dzim who are our desktop publishers! • The extended Grade 2 team for their Consumer Cafe learning celebration! • The extended G4 team for their evening film festival learning celebration! • Our librarians for the student and family storytelling events with Andy Wright  • Alli, Kattina, and Jacob for representing the ES Division as EARCOS presenters and for Melissa for organizing EARCOS for all of SSIS  Nuts...

March 27 – 31

A happy dance for our last week before Spring Break!   Shouts-outs are in order for: •  Everyone who gave time to support the WASC accreditation process •  All teachers and TAs for organizing a meaningful day of Learning Journeys for your students and their families. •  The EAL team for providing terrific training to TAs.  •  The Extended Grade 3 team for their SuperUnit Nature Tales learning celebration Nuts & Bolts: Yearbook Photo Retakes: Please be sure to check the Photo Retakes link to see if you or your students need to take a yearbook photo on Tuesday A New ES Staff Member:...

March 20 – 24

  Shouts-outs are in order for: •   Mandy for arranging author Marcus Alexander’sw work with ES students •   David, Jason, and Jeremy for taking lead in organizing the Faculty Follies Acts and for everyone who contributed on the stage and behind the scenes to engage the audience, make the room look great, keep the drinks flowing, and raise funds for charity. What a show! •   Erin for submitting this week’s comic/quote! Have one for next week? Send it my way. Nuts & Bolts: ES Yearbook: Your photo and text contributions are appreciated! Remember if you need a team photo and are unable to join the group...

March 13 – 17

  Shouts-outs are in order for: •   Alan, Jason & Ms. Ngan, for The Most Epic Birthday Party Ever! •   Everyone who joined the community for Family Fun Day •    Erin, for mentoring a student teacher •   Tara, Kattina, & Jacob, for providing quality, differentiated PD for our TAs Nuts & Bolts: ES Yearbook: It is now officially in the works! Specialists have been brought up to speed. An email with directions will follow for classroom teachers this week. It’s going to be great! Wishing everyone a great week. – Roxanne Here’s what’s up this week: No ASAs this week Monday, Mar....