Category: Weekly News

Nov. 28 – Dec. 2

Good Morning Everyone!   Shouts-outs are in order for: •    Everyone who came out for the Terry Fox run! •    Lucinda, for her Responsive Classroom presentation for Saigon Specialists •    Attacked by Gadgets, for a great night of music and fun •    Our Grade Level Team Leads and Coaches, for the extra “Think Tank” work they do with Dan on school improvement Nuts & Bolts: Secret Santa Anyone?  Last year there was a voluntary gift exchange during December.  48 people participated. If you are interested in helping to lead this event this year (Which involves sending out a few emails...

Nov. 21 – 25

Good Morning Everyone!   Shouts-outs are in order for: •    Lucinda, Melissa, Tara, Ms. Mai, Ricki & Mandy for their work in scouting out, coordinating, donating books and escorting our Roots and Shoots ASA students to Phap Vo Orphanage •    All Grade 2 teachers and teaching assistants for promoting parent involvement in student learning during their Friday author share •    Ms. Truc, Jacob, Alfredo, Ms. Dao, Chris, Greg, Helen, Erin, Regina and Stephen for helping to refine our Core Value Reflective Plans (see below) Nuts & Bolts: Core Value Reflective Plans: One our essential goals as a school is to help students develop...

Nov. 14 – 18

Good Morning Everyone!   Shouts-outs are in order for: •    Karen, Josie, Kristin, Laura, Mark, Elaine, Tina, Brennan, Liz, Chris & Truc for helping       w/cafeteria food surveys •    Alfredo for getting Alli’s students up and coding in one class session •    Brent for mentoring student teacher Tom Ruttger •    Catherine, Elaine, Tara, Viet, Alli, Kattina, Tim, Melanie, and Jacob for presenting at TTT •    Steve for getting SSIS Choir students a chance to sing off campus at Hoa Binh Theater Nuts & Bolts: SSIS Food Committee: The primary purpose of the food committee...

Nov. 7 – Nov. 11

Happy Monday!   Shout-outs are in order for * All the teachers and teaching assistants who stepped forward to help out when we were short substitutes last week. * Stephen Thompson & Ms. Thi for the Grade 2/3 concert last week. * Ms. Mai, Mr. James, Mr. Binh and Ms. Khanh for helping to plan and deliver the upcoming TA PD on Wednesday.  Nuts & Bolts: The procedure for reporting planned and unplanned absences has changed over the years at SSIS. Please take note of the current procedures: For anticipated absences, BEFORE 4:00PM the day prior to an absence: submit a Leave of...

Oct. 31 – Nov. 4

Happy Halloween! Shout-outs are in order for Dan’s successful presentation at EARCOS and for all the classes that participated in last Monday’s assembly! Nuts & Bolts: I use this “Nuts & Bolts” section to address any questions/concerns on how things work at SSIS. Often, these are answers to questions/concerns brought to my attention by one of you.  Thank you for keeping us all on our toes! Parent Teacher Conference Feedback: Thank you for your suggestions.  I will be taking them to Elementary Leadership Team to see which adjustments can me made for next year.  Cafeteria Food: Part of my responsibility as Interim Assistant Principal is to work with the...

Oct. 24 – 28

Happy Monday! Good Morning Everyone! I hope that everyone had a chance to decompress, rejuvenate and perhaps explore a new place over the break. Our last week at work ended w/bang! Shout-outs are in order for all teachers and teaching assistants for making parent-teacher conferences successful. If you have thoughts on how we can do even better next year, please share ideas for improving conferences here. If you haven’t already done so, please report parent attendance on this form. Kudos also go to the Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4 and Grade 5 teachers, teaching assistants and specialists who helped their students celebrate their Super Unit...

Oct. 10 – 14

Happy Monday!  Shout-outs are not only a great way for us to recognize our colleagues, but also a way for us to stay informed about some of the things that happen beyond our classrooms and division. In no particular order, shout-outs this week go to: *     The Grade 1 & the Grade 3 teams for engaging parents & students in impactful student-led unit celebrations.   *     Marjon for integrating organic shapes and germ art into the Grade 1 health/science curriculum. *     Ms. Mai for organizing a terrific PD session for teaching assistants. *     Mr. James, Ms....

Oct. 3 – 7

 I hope everyone was able to unplug a bit this weekend! Shout-Outs are in order for Liz Hendrickson for organizing an awesome unit-related field trip to Family Medical for the KG students and to Jacob for running our first Emotional Coaching parent workshop. More shouts-out go to the Grade 3 team for so graciously breaking down their auditorium set-up to accommodate HS students who needed the space this weekend.  More appreciation goes to Binh, Trang, Phuong and Uyen for giving up their personal planning time to help cover an art class and to Lucinda for finding a way to get admin, parents, teachers, and outside consultants all in...

Sept. 26 – 30

 Enjoy your “My Day” and your whole week! Shouts-outs are in order for everyone whose class was able to participate in Alan’s assembly and for Binh for stepping up to be our SSIS Dragon. It’s a hot and sweaty job and an assembly highlight. Kudos also go to the Grade 5 team for organizing what turned out to be an impactful, adventurous field trip for their students.  Another special shout-out goes to Kattina who worked with Mandy, Alfredo and Dan’s principal budget to pull-off a fantastic MakerSpace event.   Health Screenings for children K-5 run Oct. 5-Oct. 15.  Homeroom teachers, please take a...

Sept. 19 – 26

Happy Monday! Shout-outs are in order for our ES musicians David, Steve, Jason & Greg, for entertaining the crowd during Family Fun Day! A special thank you to all who were able to attend. Events like this make SSIS an extra special place to be for our students and their families. This week parent conference sign-ups begin. As you continue to score literacy and math assessments, make notes of your students’ areas of strength and areas needing growth and you will be well on your way to preparing for parent conferences. Need a form for parent conference notes? Don’t reinvent...