Elementary School Faculty Blog, Sharing Teaching Experiences
Friday and Saturday were truly a culmination of the partnership that we seek and want between our students, parents and school. It was so great to see students lead their parents in their learning journeys. From EC to grade 5, all students participated in showing their parents their successes. Saturday, at our screen on the green we had more than 50 parents, students and teachers come together to watch a movie and socialize. The parents might have enjoyed the movie more than the kids, who enjoyed running around our field playing tag and hide and go seek. As we begin...
Our international week culminated in a wonderful International Day on Saturday. So many parents and students loved sharing their culture and traditions with everyone else. It truly was a reminder of the beauty that the international in our school name brings to a school community. This week as share our learning journeys we continue this sense of community. Our students are so excited to share their learning and parents are equally excited to learn what their students have been doing. Weekly Focus: Our focus this week will be Academic Excellence. Life Long learning and Academic excellence This past weekend some...
Get ready for a wild week. One thing I have learned this year is that there is never a dull moment at SSIS. This week is no different. We have so much happening in ES as well as all school that the week is sure to fly by. This week we celebrate being international. Thank you to Brianna and the team she worked with to come up with our international week activities. Please take time to speak with your students about this. So many of our students will be excited to share “who they are” but you may have some...
We hope you all had a chance to recharge and take care of you over this mini spring break. School years always ebb and flow. This time of year a break of any length comes at jus the right time. Kids and adults, alike are ready for a recharge before the big push to the end. The rest of the school year is often the most fun. Our little in EC, KG, and 1 kiddos really begin put all of their learning together. They begin putting all the different parts of their reading and writing skills together. Their number sense...
Happy Birthday SSIS! SSIS is turning 25 and the celebration started on Saturday night at the gala. It was wonderful seeing so many Dragons at the event. It was a memorable evening and a great way to start off the celebrations. Celebration activities continue this week. Be on the look out for more information. Chris and Sophie really helped continue the celebrations by welcoming our newest Dragoon, Arthur Malcolm, to the world. Mom, baby and dad are all doing great! The pre-party started off at school with performances on Friday and Saturday of “The Pirates of the Curry Bean.” Well...
Congratulations Gr.5 for a fantastic week without walls experience. I forgot how much can be accomplished in such a short amount of time. Being able to go on the trip with G5 was a good reminder about why our powerful learning experiences are so important to the work we do. There were so many examples but the two that stuck out the most to me were the follwing. A student told Ms. Mary that if we just all listened to nature and the sounds in nature we would have a lot more peace in the world. Another student exclaimed “Where...
One of the beauty’s of our school is that so many activities can happen at the same time and there is no disruption to the teaching and learning. This past week we had; classes on field trips, colleagues in adaptive schools training for 3 days, colleagues traveling to conferences, colleagues traveling for athletic events colleagues planning field trips colleagues planning VTC presentations Colleagues presenting at VTC colleagues covering for colleagues colleagues screening KG children colleagues supporting each other Purple Day Valentines Day Tripod reflection meetings AND MANY MANY other things…. And children had no idea, because we continued to provide...
This week promises to be as busy as the weekend was. First of all congratulations to all of our ES people who ran in the inaugural HCMC midnight marathon. Beyond that, our HS students competed in the U19 basketball and badminton SISAC championships and we had a VEX robotics competition on campus. So many examples of our CORE values were demonstrated this weekend. If you competed in, watched, or helped in any of these events, please take time to share your story with our students. It is so important that they hear these stories from us. It may feel uncomfortable...
What a fantastic start to the second semester. The foundation you laid in the first semester is the reason for this stellar start and is what will allow us to stretch our students. As more new students join our community this week please remember the importance of nurturing our relationships with trust and love. February is set to be incredibly busy and fast paced. Remember to take time to slow down and keep the foundation of our success strong when you need to. Most of all remember to have and enjoy the ride. February is sure to fly by. Weekly...
Welcome back! We hope you all had the break you wished for, filled with rest, relaxation, joy, happiness and fond memories. Next month (Feb.) promises to be a very busy month, but January will end reconnecting with each other and our students. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning at 7:30. Weekly Focus: Our focus this week will be Connections. PURPLE MOMENTS Please take a moment to share one this week. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE The ES Sunshine Committee works to the fullest for the ES community and we would like to continue acknowledging important milestones for you and our...