Week Update August 25
|Another great week is before us. It’s a long post – please be sure read all the way to the end
Here is what’s up:
Monday, Aug. 25
Day 1 ABCD
8-3 Admin Planning Retreat (Molly off campus)
3:15-4:30 MS Leadership Team Mtg
Tuesday, Aug. 26
Day 2 EFGH Special Schedule: Writing Assessment
- 8:00-9:00 E Block (60 minutes)
- 9:00-9:15 BREAK (15 minutes)
- 9:20-10:30 Writing Sample in Advisory (70 minutes)
- 10:35-11:35 F Block (60 minutes)
- 11:40-12:15 DEAR/Advisory (35 minutes)
- 12:15-12:50 LUNCH (35 minutes)
- 12:55-1:55 G Block (60 minutes)
- 2:00-3:00 H Bock (60 minutes)
10:30-11:30 HOS and MS Principal Mtg
Wednesday, Aug. 27
Day 3 BCDA Special Schedule: Writing Assessment
- 8:00-9:00 B Block (60 minutes)
- 9:00-9:15 BREAK (15 minutes)
- 9:20-10:30 Writing Sample in Advisory (70 minutes)
- 10:35-11:35 C Block (60 minutes)
- 11:40-12:15 DEAR/Advisory (35 minutes) ASA PowerPoint/Flyer for registration
- 12:15-12:50 LUNCH (35 minutes)
- 12:55-1:55 D Block (60 minutes)
- 2:00-3:00 A Bock (60 minutes)
3:15-4:30 MS Divisional Mtg (agenda below and posted)
Thursday, Aug. 28
Day 4 FGHE
9:30-11 Admin Mtg
11 SRT Mtg
6-7:30 Back to School Night
Friday, Aug. 29
Day 5 CDAB
Advisory: First 20 min. Grade Level StuCo Speeches (proposed locations below)
- Grade 6: Gary J’s room
- Grade 7: Library
- Grade 8: Mark C’s room
Misc – Big Top Play Area under Repair:
Tree branches fell on the Big Top over the weekend. Until repairs are made, this area is off limits. Students can still use the back fields, swings, and Spiderweb during lunch.
ASA Information:
Shelley has completed the ASA schedule creating a balance of activities for each day of our program. Please take a look at the schedule (table version, description version) to ensure that there are no typos or edits to be made. We will be presenting this information to students on Wednesday.
DEAR/Advisory This Week:
Leadership Team will be looking at DEAR/Advisory schedules on Monday to review how things are going; different Team plans; and plan for the rest of the Quarter/Semester. For this week, there are a few things going on of note:
- Wednesday – ASA PowerPoint and Flyer (before Tutorial): Show PowerPoint, hand out flyer, remind to review with parents, signups can begin after 3:30
- Friday – StuCo Speeches (at start, locations proposed above); if time, reconvene in HL teams to plan HL competitions (just identify basic activity your HL wants to do – next week is also planning; basic ideas will be compared to ensure no group is doing the same thing).
Writing Assessment:
See email from Tina Fossgreen regarding the assessment being given on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. If you have questions, please see Tina and/or Danielle.
Back to School Night:
We will be reviewing our plans at our Divisional mtg on Wednesday. To recap our decision: 6-6:30 will be an all group presentation (will focus on general curriculum information), 6:30-7:30 will be “open forum” style; curriculum materials will be on display, place for parents to post questions, interactive activity displaying something about curriculum or to build connection, Moodle on the projector, improved refreshment ambiance. I’d like to collect attendance information as well. I am still thinking of a efficient way to do this … if you have ideas, please send them my way. I’d like us to be able to look at how many students were represented by a parent as well as which classes those parents visited.
-Goal of Back to School Night:
See learning locations, meet teachers and establish rapport, link to online syllabus/materials
*go over syllabus and grading ⇒ Solution = “business card” link to info, or QR code
Divisional Mtg This Week:
BTSN review
Divisional Goals
Moodle follow up and review (bring laptop)
Daily Announcements:
Daily announcements are posted to Moodle by 4:00 the preceding day. If you would like information in the Daily Announcements, be sure to email the information to Mai Anh by 3:30 each day (for posting the next day). Each teacher should be reviewing the Daily Announcements during 1st block. We will continue to seek out best ways to ensure that students are informed. I will also work hard to ensure that information included in the Daily Announcements are also posted on the MS blog.