Update on Celebration Assembly

We have created an updated schedule for House Leagues and the Celebration Assembly for 2nd Quarter / First Semester.  Bonnie worked her magic and made it so we do not have to combine academics and activities into one assembly.  Here is the new schedule:

January 23Friday – will be tutorial
January 30Friday – will be quarter 2 celebration
March 13Friday will be HL – Purple hosting
Here is a repeat (plus update) of the original information on the blog (additions and changes are in bold):

The next Student Celebration is January 30th.  This is to give us a bit more time to prepare.  The focus for student recognition for 1st semester / 2nd quarter will be students Academic Citizenship, students who basically make the classroom better by being there.   Think about students who create and support a positive atmosphere, who help other students to contribute, who are open minded, who take academic risks, who help create a community of learners, who you (and the other students) miss when they are not there.  Bonnie will be collecting names as you submit them (there is no suggesting number of names, nor expectation … just those students who you believe fit the description).  We also want to showcase awesome academic happenings from 2nd quarter.  Please forward photos, video and/or descriptions to Bonnie.