Week Ahead: April 6-10

I hope that you all found a way to relax and refresh over Spring Break. As we get started back at it this coming week, we actually begin the countdown to the end of the year. Just 7 and 1/2 more weeks. Like most years, these weeks will fly by. I’m excited to put our creativity and collaboration together to figure out how to end the year in typical celebratory style. Weird as it is, this year will always be a memorable one!

Here is what’s up next week:

Monday, Apr. 6
Day 6, GHEF
*Happy Birthday Michele Wrzesinski!
9:50 HOS Address Zoom Mtg (time adjusted from first posting – if you have a Google Meet block 2, please join after you have finished – you can also watch the recording if needed)

Tuesday, Apr. 7
Day 7, DABC
11-12 MS Leadership Team (Agenda)
1-2:00 MS StuCo Mtg

Wednesday, Apr. 8
Day 8, HEFG

Thursday, Apr. 9
Day 1, ABCD
1:30-2:15 SST Mtg

Friday, Apr. 10
Day 2, EFGH
7:30 Breakfast Club – Virtual! (grab your coffee or tea, your breakfast, and join the Zoom Mtg)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 258 759 856

Upcoming (on the radar):
April 30, May 1: No school

Missing Work and Zeros A reminder that marking assignments collected/missing is to be done by 10am the day following the assignment being done. At that time, you also need to enter a 0 for all missing assignments. These 0s are placeholders that will help parents and students see the impact on their grades.

Team and Department Mtgs:  Please remember to invite David Rynne and Molly Burger to these meetings. It would be great to have them on the MS Faculty calendar so that we can all track when meetings are scheduled. All departments should have a meeting this week to discuss prioritization of standards for Q4. David Chadwell created this flowchart to help determine essential standards. Essential Learning Outcomes for a Unit

Rapid Response Form:  Please make sure you complete the Rapid Response Form.

The Senior Leadership Team feels it would be very helpful and convenient to create a “Rapid Response Plan” that will help in the case that you and/or your family become quarantined and must leave your home.  Of course, we cannot identify every scenario if this was to happen but we have identified some of the main areas of concern to include:

  • Identify a “House Buddy” in charge of accessing your home if you become quarantined away from your house or apartment.
  • Do you have pets?  If so, make sure to prepare detailed instructions for your “House Buddy,” on the care required. 
  • Do you have plants? Prepare care instructions, if needed.

Please fill in the “Rapid Response Plan” so that we can identify who to contact if you have to leave your home for quarantine purposes. Also, please make sure to verify your address which has been pre-filled in the document. 

Important Info at your fingertips:

Wellness Blog

SSIS Professional and Personal Travel Guidelines (COVID-19)

Travel Questionnaire

International SOS Travel Recommendations

Insurance update from Tie Care