Health Tips – Protocols When Not Feeling Well
|What if I get a cold/ flu-like symptoms?
1. If you get a cold (fever, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion) then you stay home
and call in sick as you normally would.
2. Your Principal or Department Manager will notify the Nursing Office.
3. You can expect to hear from one of the nurses on a daily basis (by email, text,
phone call, WhatsApp).
4. The nurse will remotely monitor your symptoms and provide advice and supplies
as needed.
5. You must be SYMPTOM FREE for 48 hours before coming back to school.
6. These measures have been in place since the beginning of February.
What if I am sick with symptoms that are NOT a cold or flu-like?
If you are sick with diarrhea, stomach cramps, menstrual pain, migraine etc etc then
you stay home and call in sick as you normally would.
Your Principal or Department Manager will notify the Nursing Office.
You can expect to hear from one of the nurses to confirm that your symptoms are not
The nurse will provide advice as needed.
You can return to campus when you feel better. But if you have diarrhea or vomiting
then you must be SYMPTOM FREE for 24 hours before coming back to school.
The nurse follow-up is new since February but the rest of the process has been in
place for years.