January 18 – 22

The excitement of new Super Units and launches was in the air this week. Reflective work is being done as we spark interest in our students and Grades 1-5 homeroom teachers begin their coaching cycle work. Increased independence and confidence can been seen in our KG and EC classrooms. Specialist integration is purposeful and exciting. Great work everyone!

TAs in action during a videography PD session. Thanks Dave C!

Tet Festival 2021

These are the links to information about this year’s Tet Festival:
PlanSign up sheet
TAs will be the main facilitators for this event. However, if teachers want to join this event as a station leader, you are very welcome! You can sign up or email me to discuss the right station for you. The last day for signing up is Thursday, January 21. 

Thank you all TAs and teachers for your supporting this event. It will be a great experience for our students!
Please reply to Thao Tran if you need to clarify any information!

Video Recording of Events Information:

Please note that the marketing office also makes short videos (usually around 3-5 minutes) that are produced specifically for marketing purposes, in alignment with their editorial calendar. Their calendar prioritizes different messages throughout the year. If you are aware of an upcoming opportunity for a strong visual story in your grade / department, please submit a helpdesk ticket for their consideration
Where an event does not align with the editorial calendar of the marketing department or may not fall under their remit (for example, when it is an entire performance or extended highlights of an event as opposed to a 3-5 minute social media post) there are now 4 options available to you:

  1. Your own device (or class iPod Touch if you have one): Many of the most popular videos on the SSIS social media channels have been filmed entirely on smartphones. Don’t discount this option, which is so accessible and allows us to quickly capture moments to share with our community. I can provide training on best use of mobile devices for video recording and we have a handheld gimbal that you can use to keep the camera steady when panning, tilting and zooming.

  2. Padcasters: The Padcasters (tripod with attached iPad) are still available in my office for teachers and TA’s to film at school and provide extra stability via the tripod.

  3. Sony Handycam: These brand new, high definition cameras are very powerful and still user-friendly. With high-quality built-in microphones, long battery life, a wide zoom range and fluid tripods, these cameras are great for filming performances and other events. Myself and George can provide basic training for teachers and TA’s on the use of the equipment, simple editing in iMovie (trimming, titles, credits) and uploading to the school YouTube channel. The training will take 60-90 minutes depending on experience with use of the equipment and iMovie. We are already starting to train TA’s from each grade level and all members of the music department on use of this camera.

  4. External vendor: Our external vendor can provide high definition, multi camera videos with professional editing, titles, transitions etc – similar to the videos produced by the marketing department. However, unlike the marketing department, the external vendor can record entire performances or produce extended highlights of an event. The cost of booking their team will come from your grade level / team budget and will need to be approved by Dan. After receiving that approval, you should submit this form at least 2 weeks before the event.

Student Support Services Presentation: Recently, the Student Support Team presented to our new faculty. They did an amazing job of clarifying their roles and systems. If you are interested and would like a refresher, you can find their presentation here.

Wednesday Meeting Widget: I have added a widget on the sidebar that will hopefully help everyone to organize for the monthly Wednesday meetings. I will set out the broad topics, but please check the blog for more detailed information. You will see some “TBD” and I will endeavor to fill these in as soon as decisions are made.

Health Screenings KG-G5: This is a heads up that these will be done the week of January 25 in the Flex Room. Please check the schedule here.

The Week Ahead:

Monday, January 18

SLT for Dan and Mel: 1:30- 3:00

Tuesday, January 19

ELT: 2:40- 3:40

Wednesday, January 20

Grades 1-5 PD: Assessment, Coaches will give instructions to Grades 1-5 homeroom teams

Specialist PD: Integration (in auditorium)

Others: Unit Documentation & Assessment

TA PD in Flex Room: Dealing with Disrespectful Students, presented by Jacob Humes

Thursday, January 21

Friday, January 22

Grade 2 Music Performance 8:30am

Vietnamese Studies: 3:15- 4:25

Important Info at your fingertips:

Care and Excellence in Action Form!

 Visitor Registration Procedures

Operations Guide: The Navigator

Duty Roster 2020-2021

Evacuation Plan Procedures

Rainy Day Recess

Specialist Communication Document

ASA Arrival and Dismissal Information

Student List Season 1 ASA

What to do if you miss school

Wellness Blog: This week, “7 Ways to Leave your Comfort Zone

Travel Questionnaire

International SOS Travel Recommendations

Insurance update from Tie Care 

Link to ES ENews

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