Always Begin With the Why – Needs and Plans for 2017-2018
|IB Predicted Grades for IB students
Like last year, the PGs can be entered into PowerSchool. IB teachers are to submit predicted grades by October 6th.
The counselors and I will then conference with each IB student about his or her predicted grade in each class. The student will then make decisions about university options. Predicted grades are subject to change between October and December based on a student’s performance. IB teachers need to enter the IB Predicted Grade in Powerschool.
Teachers can find this in PowerSchool>Course Backpack Icon>Student Name>Predictive Score Fall Year 2. If any teacher has trouble finding this IB location in PowerSchool, let me know and I can assist.
IB Curriculum Vertical (and Horizontal) Alignment
Teachers began the process of addressing the Aims-Objectives-Skills required by IB for individual classes. This process will take the entire year to complete. Some teachers may be wondering as to the why now of this effort. SSIS teachers have worked tirelessly in establishing their IB classes for the six graduating cohorts since 2012. However, some instability and lack of time have interfered with the ability of teachers to sit down and actually map out paths in a systematic way. IB requires this of any IB World School (one programme or a continuum school) in the IB Standards and Practices. DP curriculum and collaboration issues pertaining to our efforts can be found in pages 24-25.
Programme Standards and Practices
Many Wednesday Divisional Meetings this year will be dedicated to addressing vertical-horizontal curriculum needs. The goal for 2017-2018 is to solidify the high school curriculum so that we can publish our curriculum/ATLs on Managebac for each IB course. the HS can then be more transparent with the SSIS community for Grades 9 and Grades 10.
Balance in Life or Serenity in Non-Life
Stress is a natural part of life and in an IBDP school. Not to ignore our teachers and staff regarding stress,
Embracing Stress
Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky discovered, if stress is not managed it is a silent killer. Everything useful by degrees…..
IB Group 4 Presentation Night
Our current Grade 12 seniors are on track for completing their Group 4 Project during the Week Without Walls. We have outgrown the MPR for the Group 4 Presentation Night. The event will now be held in the Auditorium Thursday – October 6th. The night will begin at 6PM and end around 7:30PM. All teachers are invited to attend.
May 2018 IB Examination Schedule