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Weekly Update: January 8

I hope you have been enjoying your winter break with friends and/or family.  As I walked the hallways and chatted with each of you before break, there were a wide array of plans for this time off.  I am excited to hear about each of your individual exploits over the last three weeks.  We are officially at the halfway point of the year and I look forward to our work together in semester two.

Happy New Year!


Staff Action Needed

  • Education Survey Analysis- Review your student data before our to be scheduled meeting starting midway in January (Thao will make an appointment with you)
  • WWW Committee- Please complete this form if you are interested in helping plan the future of our WWW program and trips for the 2016-17 school year.

Monday, January 11
Professional Development Day
Departmental Work (1st Semester Forum Prep and more)
Jacob Gone: Bangkok Recruiting Fair

Tuesday, January 12
Day 1- ABCD
University Visit: Saint Anselm College and Musashino University, Lunch (Library)
Grade 10 Student of Concern Meeting, Lunch (Counseling Conference Room)

Wednesday, January 13
Day 2- EFGH
Full Faculty Meeting: Assessment, 3:15-4:30 (Auditorium)

Thursday, January 14
Day 3- BCDA
Group Meeting Schedule
Informational Meeting with HoS for HS staff, 3:30-4 (MPR)

Friday, January 15 
Day 4- FGHE

On the Horizon
HS Faculty Meeting (First Semester Forum): January 20
National Honor Society Induction: January 21, 7-8pm (MPR)
English & Science Departmental Dinner: Jacob’s House, February 18
Arts, SS, PE and Support Services Departmental Dinner: Jacob’s House, February 25
Maths, World Language, Counseling Departmental Dinner: Jacob’s House, March 3

Optional Informational Meeting on Thursday– Mark Sylte will be sharing information and answering questions about changes that will effect the high school in the 2016-17 school year on Thursday, January 14 from 3:30-4 in the MPR.  Hope to see you there.

Education Survey Analysis–  Review your data from the education surveys and complete the reflection form shared by Mark and David Perkin.  Thao has scheduled a 20 minute meeting for us to chat about your results.  We will discuss the insights that you have gained in regards to celebrations for things that are going well and target potential growth opportunities for the coming semester.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

First Semester Forum– The HS Leadership team has been planning a reflective activity for the fall semester.  Elaine Eastwood, one of our CFG facilitators from the elementary school will be leading us in a dialogue about the strengths, areas of growth, and what our focus should be in the second semester.  You will be preparing for this “Forum” during the January 11th professional development day with your department.

WWW Committee– A committee is being formed to help plan the future of our Week Without Walls program and trips for the 2016-17 school year.  Please complete the following form if you are interested in joining.  This group will be looking for an alternative location to our Indonesia trip this year among other important factors.

Departmental Dinners/Save the Date– Starting in February after Tet Break every department will be invited to the Hendrickson house for a dinner together.  Our house isn’t quite large enough to host the entire school, so we have split the departments into three groups.  We encourage you to bring your entire family with you to this event.  More information to follow, but these dinners will take place from 4-7pm on Thursday nights.  Save this date please and add this event to your calendars.  If you have a conflict with a particular assigned date, please let me know and you can attend on a different night.

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