DP Updates 20-24 August
Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines
Please ensure you are referring to the deadline calendar for grade 12 students. Please note the dates for your course — any changes need to go through the DP coordinator so that they may be changed on the student calendar and properly communicated. Please note that there is not much room for adjustment, as the calendar is already packed with IA drafts and finals, oral assessments, TOK presentations, and Uni admissions activities. Students will be sent reminders through Managebac before the deadline to support your reminders in class.
Upcoming Grade 12 Deadlines:
- Monday, 27 August – English Literature Written Assignment Due
- Friday, 31 August – Economics IA #1 Due
Signup Sheet — Please register your interest in attending JALs being offered in our region. Most are being held in HCMC. If you sign up to attend, please go ahead and request leave so that substitutes can be arranged.