Explica Todo
|One of the best apps on our iPads that provides an engaging and transformative learning experience is Explain Everything. As I said in this post I wrote last year, this app has great potential to support students and educators in the learning process. The Explain Everything app allows teachers and students to generate and publish vignettes or video expositions of their understandings, and demonstrate proficiency in applying such knowledge to real situations. These videos can be used for formative or summative learning processes; they can also be shared among classes to help students learn from each other and the teacher in a flipped class sort of way. How you use it really depends on the need, the learning activity, and the learning goals at hand.
Recently, Bill Fossgreen and Regina Katz had students use this app in their respective Algebra 1 and Biology classes.
Algebra 1
As a teacher, you can also use the app during your lessons. Explain Everything effectively eliminates the need for a smartboard since it does pretty much the same thing. As you’re teaching your lesson you can have any kind of content on the slides. You can write on the canvas anytime to annotate, and you can be recording the whole process, allowing you to share the video to students for future review. The other nice thing is that you can freely move around the room during the lesson. You are not stuck at the board in the front of the room.
If you’d like to give the app a tap, let me know and I’ll be happy to help put an activity together with you.