IB Mock Exams/Uploads, IB NIght & Exciting IB Updates
|I have discovered that the May 2016 IB Exams packet has been delayed. However, it is supposed to be here at SSIS next week (February 13th-16th). When it arrives, I will upload all the contents to the P-Server.
The IB Mock Exams for Y2 starts on Tuesday, February 28th and runs the week till Friday, March, 3rd. Seniors are not required to come to school other than for their assigned exams. Here is the schedule for these days:
Check your tab for the students listed. There have been a few errors, but they have been addressed. If there are still any errors, let me know ASAP so corrections can be made. A few students will have conflicts, but this is accounted for on the Friday. I do not anticipate having any teacher invigilate an exam as you will continue to have classes G9-G11. Â If you are needed, I will inform you early enough and hope to ensure that times will only be during your prep(s). Have your particular Mock Exam printed and checked over for errors or issues to my office by February 21st.
I do realize that the schedule for the Mock Exams is not a perfect analogue of the IB Exam experience. This may be better addressed next year. However, for 2017, craft an IB Mock that provides the most realistic and authentic experience for the student to gauge where they are and need to be going over the remaining weeks. Like with Semester Exams, the copy center downstairs can print off your exams.
If you have any questions, do see me before February 21st so that there is sufficient time to address any issues. (Be sure to look at your OCC subject for any updates as well.)Â
Although eCoursework has been mentioned in Dragon’s Lair since August of 2016, the official eCoursework upload site on IBIS just opened for submission on January 15th. Except for 2 classes (that SSIS does not offer), all externally graded IBDP assignments are to be uploaded on the eCoursework section of IBIS. Every IB teacher has an IBIS login. When you click on eCoursework, you have only one option – eCoursework for that course and level. When you click that, you are taken to a new window. I will be meeting with teachers individually to ensure that there is comfort in using the new eCoursework system. If you have questions, please do come see me.
The eCoursework folder is available on Google Drive:
Submission deadline for the upload of EEs, TOK essays, Group 1 and 2 written assignments/tasks is 15 March, 2017. (SSIS internal due date from teachers is March 10)
Submission deadline for the upload of internal assessment sample work is 20 April, 2017.
Visual arts exhibition submission deadline is 20 April, 2017.
Submission deadline for the upload of group 6 externally assessed coursework components is 30 April, 2017.
Visual arts process portfolio and comparative study submission is 30 April, 2017.
CAS status – deadline date for CAS status submission on IBIS is 01 June, 2017.
(Next year, we are exploring expanding Managebac for all IB courses as this LMS has a direct link to IBIS eCoursework with all the forms and abilities to export directly to the IB system in March/April.)Â
IBIS computers and Vietnam wifi connection are not to be trusted. This is why March 10th is a suitable internal SSIS upload deadline (except for the two outliers listed in the IA calendar). March and April will already be consumed by IB review. No student is to be allowed this time for any work to be completed. If this situation does exist, inform me as soon as possible.
These dates are for IBIS submission. After these dates, IBO will not accept any upload. We will make it through this new IBO requirement with a few hiccups, but make it through we shall.
In order to have our Grade 10 students gain a better understanding of what the IB Programme and AP courses are, 20th-24th February, students will visit certain classes. You may involve the students as you wish. If you have something completely unengaging during this time, please do let me know as soon as possible. Here is the roster of teachers and student lists:
IB/AP Visits Roster
IB/AP Classes Roster