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Jacob’s Journal: October 30

Halloween did not mean much to me until the birth of my son Jack 8 years ago.  When Liz and I carted him around in his wagon and costume in our Seattle neighborhood to trick or treat for his first time, it was also mine.  Growing up in the United States, I was in the minority of children who did not celebrate Halloween.  As a result, this holiday did not have much significance in my life.

The significance of Halloween changed greatly for me in 2014.  On this night, we met at a friend’s house on our compound in Saudi Arabia.  Kids were all over the house waiting for the trick or treating to begin as a group.  After months of anticipation, multiple Skype interviews, and a site visit to SSIS, I waited days (which seemed like an eternity) for the news from Mark Sylte.  I had prepared myself for the worse, as I had never wanted anything so much professionally in my life.

My phone rang and I stepped outside.   After a couple minutes of pleasantries exchanged between Mark and I, I received the amazing news for our family.  As the kids poured out the doors of the house ready to pillage the neighborhood of all its candy, my wife Liz came up to me as I finished the call.  She asked what was going on.  With a couple tears in my eyes I told her the wonderful news and then we set off to trick or treat.

Halloween will always have a special meaning for me now.

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