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Jacob’s Journal: November 6

What builds great schools?

Well, if you are looking for a single answer to this question you will not find it in this section today.  There are a number of extremely important factors that contribute to the development of a great school.  I will focus on one factor that I believe is one of the most essential… relationships.  I believe that positive relationships between staff and students, staff and parents and staff amongst themselves are the foundation of a great school.  Today, I choose to highlight the importance of interpersonal staff relationships.

Our ability to work effectively together hinges on relationships.  Positive staff relationships lead to trust, camaraderie, instructional improvement, authentic communication, and honesty just to mention a few.  These relationships start during school hours and can be accelerated outside the regular day.  This year, we will introduce a number of activities to help connect our staff in more meaningful ways.  This week our leadership team and office staff gathered with our families to share a dinner together at our house.  It was great to watch our kids play, spouses share stories and laugh out loud together.

This year, we will capitalize on relationship building.  In this regard, we will introduce departmental dinners for the rest of the staff to build on this capacity over the course of the year.  Moreover, the Sunshine Committee and House Leagues are also working to this end with birthday celebrations, bowling events and House activities as well.  Why?  Because getting to know each other matters.

Have an amazing weekend,




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