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Visit by John Littleford to SSIS

Dear Faculty and Staff –

As a School we are very reflective about what we do. We create a culture in which every member of our staff—administrators, teachers, and support staff—have opportunities to hear from those they serve. We believe that honest feedback, given with a supporting spirit, can help each of us to improve and our School to grow stronger each year.

Recently we had a visit from Mr. John Littleford. Mr. Littleford is recognized by US independent and international schools as an expert in areas of school climate, school assessment, strategic planning and direction, and school governance. He was invited to visit SSIS this past wjohn-Littleford-Cropped-230x300-230x300eek by our board to meet with small focus groups and to give us feedback on what he heard.

Given the limited time that John spent with us at SSIS, it was impossible for him to meet the entire community. Instead we asked a small number of teachers and parents—specifically chosen to represent different voices across the School and division, with a wide range of experiences and opinions—to meet with him. We appreciate how willingly everyone gave of their time and the openness with which they shared their own SSIS story with him.

What we heard from John confirmed many things that we have heard through the Climate Survey, the admin surveys, student feedback, and thoughts shared in the hallways of SSIS. First, there is an overall comfort level with the administration and structure of the School. Teachers are justifiably proud of the education we provide to students and feel supported by the professional development we offer. There is a definite hope on the part of those who have been here five or more years that we are through the challenges of frequent changes in leadership.

Teachers are especially proud of the curricular work which is happening in the divisions. That said, there is a desire that we become much more focused on doing a few things well and limit the number and scope of initiatives. In a word—focus in order to be more successful.

John heard over and over that Vietnam is a great place to live and D7 a wonderful community, free of any serious pollution and a safe and welcoming environment. While salaries and benefits can always be improved, he heard general satisfaction on that front, too.

The visit of John Littleford has provided one more point of evidence, together with your surveys, contributions in divisional meetings, talks with the administrative team in formal and informal settings, to confirm that we are doing great work but also that we are  in need of tighter focus for next year. You’ll hear more about this from me, and from the rest of the admin team, in the weeks and months ahead.

For now, I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing Spring break. May you return to us on Monday, 18 April 2016, ready for an amazing end to the year.

Mark Sylte, Head of School

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