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A Time for Gratitude and Celebration

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I hope you are having a great last week of what has been a very successful semester. I’m back from Taipei, where Gerry continues his path towards a successful recovery. At the end of this week, I will join him there again. Thank you so much for your kind words and notes of encouragement. We are so grateful for your support.

Despite my absence from campus, faculty recruitment has continued uninterrupted. I’ve had many rewarding exchanges with interested faculty, albeit from a hospital hallway or airport gate, and am delighted to report that we have made significant progress. The principals and I want to express our gratitude for the time and effort that so many of you invested in this important process.

As you wrap up your grading and finalize this last week of the first semester, please enjoy the celebrations with your students, our families, and with each other. And take a moment to acknowledge to yourself the unique contribution that you make to our community by making a difference each day.

Please join me on Friday afternoon for the traditional Holiday Send-Off & Open House (1:30PM – 5:00 PM – drop in or stay a while) at my home, as we come together to celebrate our accomplishments and bid farewell to each other, and the first half of the 2019-2020 school year.

All good wishes,

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