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Coronavirus Update: Head of School Check-in

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As you know, the US State Department and several embassies around the world, announced yesterday that their out-of-country citizens who are medically at risk should decide whether they wish to stay abroad or return home.

We have learned that this COVID-19 crisis presents some insurmountable challenges to the health and well-being of a few people, or their families, more than most. After much deliberation and discussion with their administrators, three of our faculty have decided to return to the USA this weekend. As I said previously, please speak to your principal if you need to discuss this or any other matter.

The three people who are leaving are obligated to meet their professional obligations remotely, until called back to work on campus at SSIS. We have assured parents that students will not notice any difference in the quality of their education. The following is an excerpt from the letter I will send to parents:

Virtual School is not impacted, and this will in no way comprise your child’s education. Regardless of their time zones, all of our teachers remain dedicated to your child’s learning.”

Many of you have contacted me over the past six weeks to tell me how impressed you are with the dedication of our faculty. I am so proud to acknowledge how seriously our teachers take their calling. Each one of them recognizes what an important role they play in your child’s life and how critical that role is to each students’ well-being.

The Vietnamese monk and peace activist, Thích Nhất Hạnh once observed that the factor that most consistently helped boats stay afloat in rough seas was the presence of people who stayed calm and focused. Our teachers are committed to being one such presence in your child’s life.

In addition to the above, I reminded parents that the school has resources available for their children’s social-emotional wellbeing and that we are in the process of adding additional social-emotional resources for our families on eNews. This is the first article:  “Social-Emotional Support Strategies for Families,”

We should all remember that in times like this, we should all make an extra effort to lend support to one another. Everyone should be getting a buddy within the next few days. However, if you know of a colleague that is on their own or someone who you think may need an extra word of encouragement – please, be the one to reach out. Better too much support, than none at all.

Each and every one of you is an important part in sustaining the supportive and kind community we are all a part of. So, although I will be sending guidelines later about social distancing, keep in mind that social distancing does not mean social disconnectedness.

We are blessed to be in Vietnam, a country that has taken COVID-19 mitigation measures seriously from the beginning. I feel safer here than in most parts of the world today,


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