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113. Thank you! Let’s not lose momentum!

Dear Faculty and Staff,

I hope you have had a restful weekend! It’s been another eventful SSIS weekend with a very successful jointly sponsored SSIS /ABCIS MUN event for high school students on Saturday. Congratulations sponsors and teams! In addition, the GRC Recruitment Fair was very successful on Saturday. The level of interest again reveals the high esteem in which SSIS is held and the positivity with which you speak about the school in the broader international community. Thank you!

Thank you also for the great work you accomplished on Thursday and Friday. As you surely noticed, the advantages of being on campus are numerous, in part due to the energy you derive from collaborating in person with your colleagues and the easy access to cross-pollinate ideas and input as we prepare to hopefully welcome students back soon.

Let us not lose the momentum we’ve built. From this week, I encourage you to continue to come to campus. How you distribute the time is up to you to decide, but everyone will be required to teach, prepare classrooms, or work in their teams at school for some time each week.

For those who may have safety concerns, I want to assure you that we are taking every precaution to keep you all safe while at school. You are probably safer here than any other place in the city, thanks to our stringent 5K protocols and dedicated cleaning staff.

If you have any questions or concerns about working from campus or wish to provide other feedback on the time we’ve spent together over the two days PD day, please do not hesitate to let me, or your principal, know.

Have a great week ahead!

All good wishes,


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