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Appointments for 2016-2017: Weinberg, Boudreaux, Hirsch

Dear SSIS Faculty –

As we shared with you in our meeting on salaries and benefits, our goal at SSIS is to attract and retain faculty of exceptional quality for the benefit of our students at SSIS. We are very happy to announce additional hires that have been made for the 2016-2017 school year.

Evan Weinberg HS Mathematics

Josephine Boudreaux ES Classroom Teacher

Brian Hirsch ES Learning Support Specialist

Evan Weinberg

Evan is a graduate of both Montessori education and traditional private independent schools who matriculated to Tufts University where he took his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has a master’s degree in secondary math education from City College of New York and taught in Herbert H. Lehman High School and KIPP NYC High School in the Bronx before moving overseas where he currently teaches both AP and IB mathematics and AP and IB Physics at the Hangzhou International School in China. Evan joins SSIS with his wife Josephine, who will teach in the elementary school and one small dog.

Josephine Boudreaux

Josephine (Josie) earned her Bachelor’s degree from New York University and became a New York City Teaching Fellow, where she graduated with distinction from Mercy College, with a Masters in Science degree.  She holds a New York State teaching certificate in elementary education grades 1-6. Josephine was a special education teacher in grades K-3 in New York public schools for six years, and has been an international educator, teaching Grade 1 at the Hangzhou  International School, in China, for the last 6 years. A native English speaker, Josie also speaks conversational Mandarin, Italian, and Spanish.  Josie joins SSIS with her husband, Evan, who will teach in the high school.

Brian Hirsch

Brian earned his Bachelor’s degree in Composition and Music Therapy from California State University Northridge (CSUN).  For many years, he worked as a professional composer and performing artist.  Brian returned to CSUN to complete his Master’s degree in Mild/Moderate Learning Disabilities.  He holds a California teaching certificate in special education, and an EAL/TESOL certificate from Oxford Seminars.  After teaching special education (grades 4-6) for four years in the Glendale School District, he served as a special education teacher (K-6) for two years at Chiang Mai International School.  Brian joins SSIS from the American International School of Chennai where he has served as Special Education Department Head, Special Education Teacher (grades K-8), and EAL Content Support Teacher (grades 6,7) since 2011.  Brian is a frequent presenter of professional development in areas such as executive functioning, positive support plans, and math differentiation. Brian will be joined by his wife here in Saigon.

Please join Dan, Molly, Jacob and me in welcoming all our new hires.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Iver Sylte, Head of School

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