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Update on Coronavirus (Special Thank You Treat)

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

First of all, I would like to thank you all for the incredible work that you have done this week. I am so impressed with how you have brought out the best in each other. The speed with which you have come together to address the situation mirrors the great response from Vietnam to secure the nation, and our children.

Also, I want to thank you for your willingness to reach across divisional lines, to learn from one another, and to establish best practices during this trying time. Most of all, I want to thank you for the extent to which you have shown extraordinary care to our students.

As you go into the weekend, begin by having a special treat, and a small token of the school’s appreciation, at Fun Fruit World, just across the street. If you show your SSIS ID, you can have any smoothie your heart desires.

Teachers at school during this closure to students

Many of you have asked why the virtual lessons cannot be conducted from home. There are two main reasons:

  1. To gain from the experience of other faculty members and deliver a high-quality program. Everyone benefits from the knowledge that comes from cross-pollination, many of you have mentioned the “up-skilling” that you’ve done this week. You have maintained a professional collaborative teaching environment that only comes from proximity.

  2. To visibly meet meeting the professional workday obligations. Students have continued learning in a Virtual School environment, and there is no argument to be made at this time for extending the school year (as has already been declared in other countries).

Coronavirus Prevention Measures

Last night at an AmCham presentation on Coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that Vietnam is being very proactive in the measures it is taking to prevent the spread of nCov2019. Of course, these measures demand sacrifices from all of us but in the long term, hopefully, will prevent a community transmission of the virus. We expect that we will receive ongoing requests from the government and we appreciate your great efforts to meet them.

Regarding the school closure, the HCMC People’s Committee provided greater guidance to schools and directed schools to:

  • Extend temporary leave for students until February 16th

  • Strictly implement sufficient preventative actions

  • Strictly stop all primary and after-school activities

Decision Making during a time of Crisis

It’s probably helpful to note that in this time of crisis, there will be certain decisions that will need to be made top-down. Crisis often calls for immediate and fast solutions. These decisions will be based on current information, consultation with International SOS and DOET, as well as on School Policy. We appreciate how incredibly understanding, flexible and adaptable you all have been as this situation evolves.

Do not forget about Wellness

Do not underestimate what effect dramatic change can have on your mental wellbeing.

Have a look at the Wellness blog for some great resources which are being updated continuously by many of you.

You’ve done a great job this week! Have a smoothie, enjoy the beautiful weather and get some well-deserved rest and relaxation.


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