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66. Coronavirus Update: Relaxing Protocols

Dear Faculty and Staff,

On Friday afternoon, the Department of Education and Training (DoET) and the Ministry of Health (MOH CDC division) inspected our campus. The inspectors evaluated our health office’s processes regarding the control and prevention of COVID-19, diphtheria, dengue fever, and hand-foot-mouth disease. The inspectors also evaluated the school’s food safety and hygiene practices.

We are happy to say that the inspectors were very impressed with our protocols and prevention measures and our community’s understanding of the measures. And thanks to the commendable collaboration between multiple SSIS departments, the inspection was a success!

In celebration of this successful inspection and recognition of student and staff compliance with the three layers of SSIS health and safety protocols (wearing masks, social-distancing, and hand washing), the school leadership team has agreed that we can relax our protocols slightly. Especially, in light of the fact that Tuesday, October, 27 marks 55 days without a case of community spread in Vietnam. 

Mask requirements

Governmental requirements for mask-wearing in HCMC remain in place. On campus, however, the DoET has stated that masks are encouraged but not required (unless the group exceeds 30 people, and social distancing is not being enforced).

Students and staff will still be required to wear masks when entering and exiting the campus. However, beginning Monday, November 2, wearing masks in all other parts of campus will be optional. This means that masks are no longer required in offices or when walking between buildings and classes, or on the way to and from the cafeteria/ kiosk, if social-distancing is maintained.

Note, however, that the DoET and MOH documents do require that masks be worn when arriving at the school and when leaving the school gate. So, please wear your masks at the beginning and end of the day as you pass through the gates.

Masks will continue to be worn in the health offices at all times for the protection of the nurses.

Social distancing requirements

Similarly, social distancing in the classroom is encouraged but not required. Therefore, you may adjust your classroom and seating arrangements according to pedagogical requirements and practices without the one-meter spacing.

When gathering in groups outside of the classroom, please ensure that social distancing OR wearing masks is maintained.

Large groups

Please continue to adhere to the group size guidelines as communicated by WaiMun on September 30. The venue restrictions are as follows:

  • ES Library: 81 people
  • ES Flex Space: 49 people
  • Atrium: 250 people
  • ES/MS Gym: 298 people
  • MS Library: 94 people
  • HS Gym: 200 people
  • Auditorium: 113 people on the floor, or 120 in theater seats (if attendance is over 120, all present must wear masks)
  • HS Library: 91 people
  • HS MPR 1: 36 people
  • HS MPR 2: 57 people
  • Plaza: 160 people
  • Back Field: All School
  • Front Field: All School

If everyone is wearing masks, social distancing does not need to be maintained and the numbers may be increased.

These changes in protocols mean that we will allow parents to attend events, such as concerts. However, all requests for people to enter campus, other than faculty,  staff, students, contracted workers, or essential personnel must be approved by Chris Beanes.

Handwashing and temperature taking remain in place

The third layer of the protocols remains unchanged. Please continue to be diligent about washing your hands frequently – it is your best protection against any virus, including COVID-19. As Vietnam is in a season of influenza, HFMD, and stomach bugs, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer every time you enter or leave a classroom, before you eat or touch your face, and after using the restroom. Please also continue to keep desks and materials sanitized.

All questions regarding health matters should be directed to Health Office Manager, Lisa Chute.

Parents on campus

SSIS parents will be allowed to access campus, by invitation only, for special events. We are developing a parent sign-up system to facilitate entry. When on campus, parents will be required to wear a mask at all times. Thus, no food or drinks are allowed at parent events, as they must keep their masks on. Parents are required to complete the visitor health and travel screening form at the gate.

The parent drop-off and pick-up procedures for ES will remain the same.

Again, all requests for non-essential visitors to enter campus must be approved by Chris Beanes. Therefore, Chris must be consulted prior to organizing any parent event.

At this time, SISAC (our local sports conference) sports rules dictate that no parents or outside spectators are allowed on SISAC schools’ campuses. No external providers (e.g., ASA providers) are allowed on campus (except for substitute coaches contracted by the school).

Thank you for your cooperation and your support in keeping our SSIS community safe. If not specifically addressed in this letter, all other protocols and procedures remain in place. At this time, we should not make any assumptions regarding the relaxation of other protocols. Should you have questions or concerns, please contact WaiMun.

Parents will be notified of the changes on Friday, and the relaxed protocols will commence on Monday, November 2.

We are truly blessed to live in an environment where we can enjoy such freedoms. As stated previously, if, at any time, the situation changes and strict adherence to the health and safety full protocols are necessitated, we will immediately revert to the three-layered protocol.

Thank you all for your cooperation with these matters. And, as always, thank you for your flexibility. Wishing you a safe and healthy afternoon.

All good wishes,


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